Chater 8

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***Danny Pov***

I spent the rest of my break crying in my room. I hadn't been out of my house in a week. My mother didn't seem to give a shit what I did anymore. Anna hated me for never seeing her.

I turned my alarm off, I was already awake. I haven't been sleeping well. Ever since the break up I have been falling apart.

I got up and put some skinny jeans on with a t-shirt. I put on my converse and looked outside. It was raining down heavy and I didn't have any jackets. Crap.

It never rained here often so I never needed a jacket. But the day it did really sucked.

I grabbed my umbrella and my bag and walked out side. It was s s s so cold. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy.

I finally got to school when Elizabeth approached me.

"Hey, I herd you and Ash broke up. did you scare him off," she smirked.

"Not now Liz," I said trying to walk past.

She pushed back against the wall. Flashes of when Brad did this to me flooded threw my head. I began to panic and shoved her off. More flashes of Brad went through me.

He said something and pushed me against the wall again. Panicking I punched him in the face. My eyes focused I looked at Liz laying down on the floor clutching her face.

"Danny what did you do," Ash said coming up behind me.

"I, I don't know. it was so weird she looked like Brad," I said my eyes watering.

"Alright come on," he said pulling me up.

We climbed the steps up into the tree house. I sat down and just held my knees.

***Ash Pov***

I climbed the ladder And looked at Danny. She held her knees and she had bloody and swollen knuckles.

"Let me see your hands," I asked.

I held her hands and wiped off the blood. They where slightly bruised and red. She wouldn't even look at me.

"Danny, what's wrong talk to me," I said.

"Us, that's what's wrong. I want to know why are parents don't want us to be together," I asked him.

I told her the hole story on why we couldn't. She started to cry and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I didn't know my mom even had a sister," she said.

"It was probably to hard for her," I said.

"But wait! My birthday is in a few days," she said happy again.

"What about it," I asked.

"I'm turning 18, we can run away and be together," she said.

"Danny I don't think that a good idea," I referred her.

She looked away not saying anything. She probably was thinking it was a bad idea anyway.

"Come on I'll take you home," I said.

I dropped her off and drove to Tyler's place for a party he was having. I parked on the curb and entered the house.

Loud music was playing and liquor hit my nose. I could really use a drink. Tyler was a rich boy so he probably had something good.

I entered the kitchen and found a bottle and vodka. After my 4th cup I could tell I was drunk off my ass.

Lisa came in and sat on the counter next to me. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me between her legs wrapping them around me keeping me their.

She kissed me giving me full tung. She was suck a great kisser. She jumped down and took my hand and ran down the hall way.

"Where we going," I said trying not to fall.

She led me to a bedroom and locked the door. She kissed me again an took my shirt off. She laid on top of me on the bed and continued to kiss me.

It was a fun, but guilty night.

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