Chapter 12

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***Danny Pov***

My bed was warm and cozy but it sucked having lay in my back and not be able to move. My ribs hurt and my leg was in a cast, my wrist was wrapped and it hurt so bad.

I heard the front door open and I looked at the clock. It couldn't be Ash school wasn't over, was it my mom.

"Mom, is that you," I yelled.

My door opened and Ash's head popped in.

"Yes dear it's just me," he joked.

"What are you doing here what about school?" I asked.

"Long story," he said.

He helped me sit up and he sat across from me.

"Your favorite, double chocolate chip frap extra chocolate," he said handing me my coffee.

I took a long drink enjoying the delicious beverage. I sat it down and looked at Ash. His black hair was almost in his eyes.

I tucked it away and he flinched a little. Above his eye was a big bruise that looked recent. What happen to him?

"Oh my god what happened," I said.

"Nothing it's fine," he said grabbing my hand and giving it a little squeeze.

"It's cause of me isn't it," I said.

"No, none of this is your fault. it was just a guy with a big mouth," he explained.

"Ash I'm so sorry," I said tears in my eyes.

He leaned forward and kissed me and then pulled me into a hug. He really
knew how to comfort somebody.

***two weeks later***

The past two weeks flew by so fast. I was also healing pretty fast to. My wrist was fine I just couldn't apply to much pressure. My rib is just really sore all the time. My leg is in a big black boot and I'm suppose to use crutches but I walk around all the time.

That morning Ash picked me up and drove to school. We walked down the hall hand in hand and went to my locker.

"Aren't you a player," Lisa said behind us.

She came over and put her hand on Ash's chest she smiled up at him and gave him a kiss.

"Lisa I have a girlfriend!" He said pushing her off.

She looked at me as if I disgusted her.

"Your dating this lonely crap. Heard she ran away like a coward," she said only a few feet away from me.

Anger bubbled threw my hole body. I thought Lisa was my friend. We went threw everything together. And now it's all been thrown away over a guy?

Not even realizing what happened I had clenched my fist and punched Lisa in the cheek. My wrist popped and pain shot back up my hole arm.

"Oww! Dammit," I screamed.

"Danny are you alright," Ash said clutching my shoulders.

"I hurt my wrist again," I said clutching it.

I pulled the ace bandage out of my backpack. I started to wrap it around my wrist before Ash took over doing a much better job then me. I knew I would need the wrap.

I looked over and the ground where Lisa had been laying. She was gone, probably left before I came back for round 2.

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