Chapter 3

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***Ash Pov***

I woke up to a loud beep noise.

"Nurse! I need a nurse!" I yelled my eyes tearing.

People rushed in and pulled me out and I had to sit in the waiting room. I paced back and forth not being able to sit still.

About 30 minutes later a man in a white coat came out.

"Mr. Ash?" he called out.

"Yes that's me is my mom alright," I rushed out.

He didn't answer me. My eyes watered up and ran back to her room. She laid on her bed all the machines where turned off. I sat in the chair next to her bed.

My dad ran in frozen at the door. He sat in the chair opposite from me.

"Where were you," I asked.

"Out, out of town. I drove as fast as I could," he said crying now to.

"Your always out of town!" I yelled storming out.

I went home and slammed my door closed and locked it. I pulled some alcohol out from under my bed and opened it. It was gone in under an hour.

***Danny Pov***

Wednesday, last day of school before Christmas break. I walked out the door and looked down the street. Hmm I usually see Ash riding his skateboard. Why am I even thinking about him. He blew me off.

I zipped threw the first couple classes. The lunch bell rang and I found Lisa. She ran over to me and handed me a small bag.

"For you my dear," she said with a smile.

"Aw I didn't get you anything I'm sorry," I said guilty.

"That's ok this wasn't much," she said.

I removed the paper from the top of the small bag and looked inside.

"Oh my god you didn't," I said looking at her.

I pulled out a thong that was black and red with lace on it. She laughed at me and I just threw it in my back pack.

"Oh my gosh did you hear the news about Ash's mom," she said.

"No what happened," I asked?

"She died in a car accident yesterday. Ash was in the car but was fine," she said.

Oh my god. I can't imagine how that must of felt. I just sat there soaking it all in. The final bell rang and I dragged my self threw the rest of my classes.

After school I walked to his house. I wanted to make sure he was ok. I dropped my stuff off at my house and went to his front door.

I rang the bell and his dad answered. His eyes where red and puffy.

"Hi, im a friend of ash's. Im so sorry for your loss. I just wanted to see if Ash was ok," I explained.

"Sure, come on in. he's in his room, hasn't come out all day," he said pointing up the stairs.

I walked in and climbed the stairs. I knocked on his door gently.

"Ash? It's me Danny," I said slowly opening it.

Shock ran over me for a minute. The room smelt like alcohol and smoke filled the air. Ash sat on the floor leaning against his bed a smoke in his hand.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. And went and crouched next to him.

"Are you alright," I stupidly asked.

"Do I look alright," he asked.
"You wouldn't understand."

"Actually yes, I would," I said a bit frustrated.

"And how's that," he said turning his head.

"My dad," I said.

"So you got in a car crash and held him why he died," he said raising his voice.

"No, he's not dead," I said.

"Then how could you possibly feel my pain!" He said.

"Because he left me! He didn't want me, my mom, or Anna! You know, I feel sorry for you but my dad doesn't even want me, he never did, at least your mom loved you," I yelled.

I stormed out of his room and went down the stairs.

***Ash Pov***

Dammit. I got up a bit wobbly and followed her out the door.

"Danny wait, I'm sorry," I said running out the door.

She ran into the woods behind the house. Where was she going? She ran threw the woods, she looked like she knew where she was going.

She followed a small path and headed into a small field. She went around a big tree and disappeared. I looked up to see a ladder nailed into the tree. It was a tree house, cool.

I climbed the ladder and found her hugging her knees looking out the old wooden window.

"Hey, I'm sorry," I said.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her.

"So what's this place? Did you build this," I asked.

"No, I found it when I was younger and it's where I go to be alone," she answered.

"Come on, I'll walk you home," I said.

I took my jacket off and put it around her shoulders. I put my arm around her and walked her home. It was late and the sun was setting.

We walked up to her front door.

"Thanks, for walking me home," she said handing me my jacket.

"No problem, I'll see you around later. Maybe we can hang out some more," I said smiling.

She smiled nodded her and nodded her head. I turned and walked away to head home. My room was a mess. I should clean it before my dad looks at what I have in there.

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