Chapter 6

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"What do you mean 2 days!" I yelled.

Brad looked at me with a smile. This was going to be the worst two days of my life.

"I need a shower," brad said looking at me.

"Hell no," Ash said getting in his face.

"I can't go home like this, my mom will freak," I said.

"Dad won't be home for another few days so you will stay here," Ash told me.

We went outside to see what was in kitchen. There smart and put a lock on their fridge and pantry to keep looters out.

Walking was hard cause we had to move our arms at the same time. We sat on the couch and munched on chips.

"Come on," brad said.

"What," I said.

"I got to piss," he told me.

Oh my god. We entered the bathroom and locked the door.

"Just turn around," he told me.

"With pleasure," I said.

He finished, his business, and flushed.
I went to walk out but he tugged me back.

"What are doing," I asked.

"Just having some fun," he said.

He pulled me by the cuffs and pinned me to wall. He covered my mouth with his hand and pinned me again with his body. I tried to call for help but I wasn't loud enough.

He grinned his body on mine and kissed my neck. I found the strength to push him only to fall on top of him. Something clattered on the floor and I looked over to see what we broke.

We didn't break anything but the key to cuffs fell. Brad had them this hole time! Furious I reached for them but brad pulled me back. I hit him in the face only buying me a second to grab the keys. And I did.

I quickly took off my cuff and then attached it to the handle on the cabinet. I ran for the door and he reached for my foot making me trip and hit my head on the door knob. I unlocked it and ran out leaving him there.

I ran into the living room where Ash was standing. I was crying and crashed into him.

"What's wrong? What happened to your head?" He asked me.

Barley being able to speak I got out,
"He tried to rape me! He hand the keys the hole time!" I sobbed.

He held me close embracing me.

"I'm so sorry Danny. I should of knew something like this would happen," he said.

***Ash Pov***

I was furious. Letting go of Danny I walked into the bathroom.

"You bastard! Your a sick fuck you know that!" I yelled at him.

He only stared up at me not saying anything. Angry I bent down and repeatedly punched him in the face.

"Ash stop!" Danny yelled behind me.

And I did, I got up and took a step back.

"You don't ever touch Danny again you hear me! I will kill you myself!" I yelled.

I walked out blood all over my fists. I hugged Danny again, she was still crying. She was probably so scared.

I called the cops and reported what happened, minus them being cuffed together. And they came and took him away.

I went into my bedroom where Danny laid down on my bed. She looked up at me but didn't say anything. I climbed in bed next to her and pulled her close to me.

"I'm so sorry Danny, I should never have invited you to the party," I said.

"It's not your fault Ash you didn't know it would of happened," she assured me.

She clung to me all night. I felt so bad for her. I hope I never see brad ever again. I hope Danny will be alright to.

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