Chapter 14

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***Danny Pov***

The next morning was our last day until graduation. I was so pumped ready to finally be a adult and start my life. Who knows, maybe Ash will be part of that fantasy life.

I really want to go to collage and I already have a couple applications sent out. I have one in particular but there's no way I'm getting in.

It was Thursday but I wished it was Friday. I got out of my bed and got dressed. I put on some makeup and threw my hair together. I car honked outside and I looked threw my window to see Ash smoking out his car window. If he knows what's best for him it will be gone by the time I get there.

I ran down the stairs and said bye to my mom and left out the front door. My big black boot was finally gone just in time for graduation.

I climbed into his jeep and he leaned over to kiss me. I shoved my hand between our face as he made out with my hand.

"I seen you smoking out here, that stuffs bad for you," I told him.

"Can't judge it till you try it," he said handing me his lit cigarette.

I stared at it for a moment realizing I would end up trying it sometime in my life anyway. I took it from him seeing his point and brought it to my lips breathing it in.

I ended up choking on it why Ash laughed at me. Taking one more small taste it came out smoothly as I blew the smoke in Ash's face making him cough.

He leaned over kissed me and stole the cigarette back. He was right though, don't hate it until you try it. But then again these things cause lung cancer.

We laughed and he threw it out the window and we drove to school.

We drove into the parking lot and walked up the hall together out hands locked. Everybody was staring at us today. Like more then usual. I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on me.

"Why does it seem like everybody has seen a gost," I whispered to Ash.

"I don't know I was thinking the same thing. Maybe Lisa and trevor have something planned for us," he whispered back.

"You mean planned for me," I said.

"No for us, we go through this together," he replied.

A warm fuzzy feeling buzzed through my body as we walked down to the football field for more graduation practice.

As the few hours of school flew by I texted Ash I would meet him in his car. I've had to pee almost all day. I walked into the bathroom and closed my stall door.

I heard the bathroom door open then close but nobody was in here. I'm sure it was empty when I got here nobody just walked out. Shivers went down my spine and I opened the stall door to leave.

I washed my hands and heard the door open again. I turned around to see trevor holding a big bucket as ice cold water was thrown on me.

"Oww what the hell is there soap in here!!" I screamed rubbing my eyes.

Taking a step back I slipped in the cold soapy water and hit my head on the floor. It all went from blurry to black in seconds.


I woke up laying in the nurses office. I felt a small ice pack laying on my forehead and a hand wrapped in mine. I sat up feeling all the blood in my body rush to my head.

"Easy," Ash said helping me sit up.

"Ow God dam what hit me," I said removing the ice pack.

"Just trevor with a bucket of soapy water. You tripped in the bathroom and hit your head, couple freshmen found you and called the nurse," he told me.

"Really, a bucket of water Lisa. Even I can come up with something way better then that," I announced.

I've really had it with Lisa and her bullshit. I don't even know what I did. Because I didn't do anything.

I sat my head back down and decided to take a nap. Ash gets to carry me to his car and take me home today. I just don't have the energy for it.

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