Chapter 4

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***Danny Pov***

I closed my front door only to be greeted by my angry mother.

"Where the hell have you been all day!" She yelled.

"I was at a friends house, calm down," I said.

"You know what, just watch Anna why I get in the shower. Can you handle that," she said.

I nodded my head yes and sat in the living room with my 6 year old sister. She was cute but talked to much. After my mom came back I went to my room and turned the light off.

I pulled out my phone and started Instagram scrolling. I seen a picture of Lisa and Trevor kissing both smoking. Some friend I got.

Looking at my message box a little orange light was glowing. Tapping it I had a message from Ash.

Ash- "Hey r u still up"
Me- "Ya what's up"
Ash- "nothin much just can't sleep"
Me- "same"
Ash- "soo you want to hang out at the tree tomorrow?"
Me- "sure meet you at 12"
Ash- "alright see you there. Night"
Me- "night"

I opened my eyes to the sunlight and I stretched my arms up. What time is it? I looked at my clock and it read 10:48.

I got myself up and walked to my closet. I pulled out a green button up shirt and some jeans. I slipped my socks on and went to the kitchen.

"Danny will you come play with me!" Anna said hugging my leg.

"I'm sorry hun I can't, later I promise," I said moving her hair from her face.

She walked away and sat back down with her creepy dolls. My mother shot me an evil looked. I brushed it off and bit into an apple.

The clock now read 11:39. I pulled out my old converse and slid them on. Grabbed my phone and walked into the woods.

I walked along the path and stopped for a minute. I loved the sounds, how quiet and peaceful everything sounded.

"Boo," a voice said shacking my shoulders.

I screamed and turned around to see Ash laughing.

"Oh my god so not funny I almost had a heart attack," I yelled.

"Alright alright I'm sorry," he said.

We walked out to the field and a blanket was laid out.

"What's this?" I asked.

"This, I just grabbed it for we can sit out here," he said taking a seat.

***Ash Pov***

She looked so beautiful in the light, how have I never noticed. She sat down and laid back. I laid back with her and we looked into each other's bright eyes.

We spent the entire day together. Just getting to know each other, grow closer. We walked into town for a bite and wondered threw the parks.

I feel so attached to her. Like I can be myself and not have to worry about it. We have fun together.

"Hey you want to go to my place. my dads out of town so we have the hole house. If you trust me and this doesn't sound weird," I asked shyly.

"Sounds fun," she said.

We walked to my house and went in the front door.

"Want to see what he has in his liquor cabinet?" I asked her.

"No thanks I don't drink," Danny said.

I pulled something out anyways. I poured us both a shot of it and handed her a glass.

"Try it, you might like it," I said.

Hope I'm not being pushy. She put the glass to her lips and took a sip. Her face scrunched and she swallowed it.

"Wow, that's not bad," she said.

I laughed and poured her another and we clinked glasses and drank.

After a while of time we had gone through the hole bottle. We where drunk off our asses and still having fun.

We ended up in my room somehow and I looked at her lips. They where light pink and I couldn't help myself. I pushed my lips to hers and we started making out.

She laid on my bed and I leaned over her. She clung to my shirt and started taking it off. I slowly unbuttoned her green shirt and I kissed her neck. This was going to be a fun night.

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