Chapter 29 | commencer nouveau

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commencer nouveau

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commencer nouveau

Starting New

I place my last pair of clothes in the boxes and then seal then with the tape. I stand up and have a look around me.

Everything is packed and I am ready to move in. I check my phone and it is 2 in the afternoon. Well, I have done quiet well in packing and sorting everything out. After all, I have been at the mansion since 6 in the morning.

After blacking out yesterday, Damien thought that I would take some rest today. But I want to get all of this sorted and done. I don't like waiting up on things at all, it just infuriates me. after giving me a proper lecture on how I need to take care of myself and finally using magic to heal my wound, Damien decided to help me out with the move.

The mansion was sold now, the buyer and I met at 10 in the morning at the mansion and he happily agreed with my amount. After signing off all the documents, I got back to packing. Damien was there all the time, going through the documents and making sure that the buyer doesn't pull a trick on me. I smiled at his honest attempts, he was already acting like an overprotective brother.

"Are you done? I have the truck!" Damien shouts from downstairs.

"Yes!" I shout back.

He then comes to my room and looks at the boxes. The bed and the desks were gone. There were only me and the boxes containing my belongings. Damien had been to the penthouse to check on everything while I was busy here. I trusted him even though I knew him for two days but then, I was oddly comfortable with it.

"The kitchen is empty and the sofas are at the penthouse. You are left only." He says and I chuckle.

He then starts waving his hand and I know he is transporting the boxes to his truck with magic. The boxes are gone within few seconds.

"Shall we?" he says and I nod.

After having one last look at my room, I head downstairs with him. The mansion was now quite literally empty and I felt weird leaving it. The protection wall was down, I wasn't using magic to defend any Emeralds. I look around one last time, Damien had assured me that everything was packed and transported to the penthouse and the things I didn't need were being dealt b him. I don't ask what was he doing with them, I simply don't wish to know.

We walk out to his truck. It's small but enough to carry my boxes and Damien. I wouldn't be travelling with him but in my audi. I look at my dazzling car when I step outside the mansion after closing the gate. I sit inside it quickly, feeling great to be in it.

"I will see you at the penthouse. The GPS is set to its location." He says as he closes the car door behind me and I simply nod at him.

He gets in his truck behind me. I have one last look at him and then, I plug in the keys and start the car. I then press the peddle and the familiar sound of my engine greets me.

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