Chapter 32 | bonne nuit bisous

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bonne nuit bisous

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bonne nuit bisous

goodnight kisses

"LIVY, give me the popcorn." Damien says, annoyed.

I chuckle but don't hand him the popcorn. He should have made it on his own, right? I don't share food especially when I had made it.

"Na, get your own popcorn." I tell him.

He groans and the next thing I know, he is on me. I shriek and hold onto my bowl of popcorn like my life depended on it. Well, at least my movie did. I am the kind of girl who needs popcorn or something to munch on during movies or else, I looks the thrill. When I am eating food, I need tv or else gets boring. I didn't have the habit before at all, but being with the Emeralds have changed me. For good or worse, I don't know.

"Give. Me. The. Popcorn!" Damien says as he starts pulling the bowl away from me. Too bad for him that I have years of training. I pull the bowl away from me and in that, the popcorn literally flows to my face.

My freaking face.

I groan, I hated wasting food.

But then, I hear a laughter and I am annoyed, even more. And you don't want to mess with me when I am annoyed.

I remove the popcorn pieces from my face and come to face Damien. The nerve of that guy! Screw him, he is no brother of mine! He took away my popcorn from me!

"Your face!" he says in between his laugh.

And that's it. He is dead.

I lunge towards him and take him down on the floor. He lands on his back with me on top of him. He is late to react and I take that as my advantage. I kneel him in the stomach and he groans. Satisfied with the expression of pain on his face, I get up and walk towards my dear sofa, which is now covered with popcorn.

But then, I feel hands on my waist and the next thing I know, I am being picked up in the air. I react fast, hitting my attacker on the stomach with my elbow. Damien doesn't budge, so I hit him again.

"You thought you got away so easily, han?" he says.

He starts entangling my hand but I fight against it. I then hit him on the leg, hard, and he falls, with me on top. The landing wasn't decent to say, at least, with the groan I heard from him and a small smile creeps on my face. I free my hand from his and then turn to face him.

I then hit him on the ribs. He groans again.

"Cowards attack from the back, Damien." I tease him.

Then, I move and lie on the floor next to him. The next thing I know, we both are laughing like mad people. I don't know when was the time I had such a good laugh, but it felt good. It felt good to be lying on the floor, with my long lost brother, with no worry in the world. No more kingdom to deal with. No more expectations from me. No more dealing with the First Borns.

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