Failed Dreams (#Priority)

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Destiny, who lived in a squalid little apartment with her unemployed mother and alcoholic father. Whenever her father turned on the TV, only to zonk out in front of it and start snoring, she saw wondrous worlds of splendour and riches on the dusty and dirt-caked TV screen, worlds of palaces, fancy cars and beautiful stars.

"This is going to be me one day!" she decided. "When I'm grown up, I will be a princess." All the other children in her class snickered and laughed, but Destiny was adamant. "You might remain dirt poor, never even trying to escape. But not me! I'll be a princess and super rich, just you wait and see. There can't be any other way; it's my priority."

Well, time came, of course, but no dapper prince. Time went, and so did Destiny's dream. The children in her class scoffed at her and laughed. But Destiny was unperturbed. "I won't give up, I never will. If no prince will come and marry me, I will simply find another priority."

Destiny asked the corner shop owner if he would give her a job. She scraped and toiled for many months. Then, one day, she finally held in her hands a third-hand, slightly battered and deformed guitar. She practised night and day, worked on rhythm, technique and dexterity. All the other children in her class taunted her and laughed, but Destiny was adamant. "You might remain dirt poor, never even trying to escape. But not me! I'll be a rock star and super rich, just you wait and see. There can't be any other way; it's my priority."

Well, time came, of course, but no record deal. Time went, and so did Destiny's dream. Everyone laughed at her and mocked, "Told you so, you fool!" But Destiny just shrugged, unfazed. "I won't give up, I never will. If no record deal is offered me, I will simply find another priority."

The years went by, and so did Destiny's various dreams. All her friends just laughed at her, but for Destiny it was clear. There would be a way out of here. Just follow the dream, and she would have her priority.

Then, finally, one sunny day, along came a handsome man who promised Destiny the world and gave her Chardonnay. He wore a fancy suit and never made her pay. Destiny fell hard for him and gave her soul away. But once he had taken her virginity, he was never seen again.

Her friends all sneered openly, "We always knew you'd never have your priority!"

They had won, it seemed, believe you me. But, then, you will hardly trust your ears, Destiny emerged once again, her hair all fatty, her clothes faded and torn, in her arms wrapped in dusty and dirt-caked blankets a tiny little newborn.

"Oh Destiny, what have you here?"

A triumphant smile appeared upon her face. "I told you all along to just wait and see. Let me introduce to you: it's my Priority."

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