Castle of Dreams

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Where they landed was not what they expected. When they landed in a world with a castle and clouds they were suddenly small like a mice in a cage.

Ignis: Please tell me that is a bad joke.

Ventus: What is going on? * Ventus holded against grids* Somebody tell me how I got so SMALL!

Ignis: *holding his ears* Could you please finally stop shouting?

Suddenly a woman came in and lifted up the cage and lifts it diagonally so Ventus and Ignis fell back and Ventus landed on Ignis' stomach, making him wince in pain.

Cinderella: Don't be afraid. *opens the cage and looks in* Oh! How interesting... I've never seen mice like you before.

Ignis and Ventus: Mouse?

Cinderella: Jaq, you better explain things to him.

She placed the cage on the ground and sat beside them. Before them was standing a brown mouse wearing a red hat, red coat and a red shirt. He came in smiling to Ventus and Ignis.

Jaq: Now, now, now. Look, little guys. Take it easy. Nothing to worry about. We like you. Cinderella likes you, too. She's nice, very nice.

Cinderella was smiling at them and they smiled back. I know her already. I was watching her from far for watching that nothing happened to her. Another Princess of Heart.

Jaq: Come on now. Zugk - zugk. *the three left the cage* My name is Jaq. 

Ventus: I'm Ventus. Call me Ven. And that's Ignis.

Jaq: A cat?!

Ignis: Calm down. I'm not a cat and I'm not hunting mice.

Jaq: Well, okay, Ven and Iggy. Both need something? Ask Jaq!

Ignis: *brooding and blushing* Iggy?

Suddenly Cinderella got called from downstairs.

Cinderella: Oh well, time to get to my chores. I'll see you in a little while, Ven. Iggy.

Ignis: Please don't call me that.

And after that she left.

Ventus: Wow, I guess she's got her hands full.

Ignis: You have no idea. Watching her from far let me already look what she's going through. Poor girl.

Jaq: Yep, work, work, work! Stepmother keeps Cinderella busy all day!

Ventus: She didn't seem to mind much, though.

Jaq: No, not Cinderella. She works hard. She's got a dream - a big dream. The dream's gonna be come true!

Ignis: Well, that sounds familiar.

Ventus: That looks like somebody I know. *the two were thinking about Terra* Hey, maybe you can help us find him! His name's Terra. You seen him?

Jaq: No. I never saw Terra before.

Ventus: Oh, well. It was worth a shot.

Ignis: Normally, I woudln't do something like that. But, have you seen something with this symbol? *shows the symbol with his hand*

Jaq: No, sorry. Never seen something like that.

Ignis: Why was I even asking? Well, thanks for the info. *drops the arm*

Jaq: Come on. Follow me. You two gotta see the house. *Jaq runs forward*

Ventus: H- hey! 

They followed him in a mouse hole. Barely they were in, they got attacked by Floods and a Bruiser. They ran to the other end of the hole were Cinderella's room was and entered. They saw Jaq standing on a window ledge. Ignis grabbed Ventus under his arm and jumped first on the second step and then landed beside Jaq. Ignis let Ventus go. They were staring outside.

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