Disney Town

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Ignis: Well that world is really... colorful.

They arrived in a landscape and on the sky were balloons. They heard a noise and looked on the side where a racetrack with blue fences was, were racing Unversed the route.

Terra: *summons Earthbreaker* Unversed! *ran to the racetrack* 

When Terra was about to follow them, Ignis saw someone what doesn't looked like an Unversed was rushing at Terra without slow down. He rushed to Terra, jumped over the fences and rammed him out of the way and they landed on the ground One second later the racer raced past. They looked on the other side of the track where Queen Minnie, Pluto, Chip and Dale stood watching them. They went into the runway.

Terra: Thanks for piping up back there. You too, Ignis. I mean it. The name's Terra. And that's Ignis.

Minnie: It's nice to meet you, Terra and Ignis.

Chip: What're you, nuts, runnin' out onto the course like that? Be glad, you're friend shoved you away.

Dale: Yeah, that's against the rules!

Minnie: I'm sure you had your reasons, but I can't say that I approve either.

Ignis: Sorry, but we had to do that.

Terra: Well, rules don't apply when you're up against the Unversed.

Chip: Rules don't apply?! You sound just like Pete!

Ignis: Who?

Dale: Look, it's Captain Dark!

Pete: Disguised in shadows, the rouge racer reigns! *jumps from the bridge* I am... Captain Dark! *made a stupid pose* And you must be the chump who made me miss a new track record. Hold on... How's come I don't know you, two? Somebody bringin' in a ringer?

Terra: I'm not even a racer.

Pete: *holds his arm around Terra's shoulders* Must be downright temptatious to try 'n' stop a primo racer like me from gettin' the record. But we all gotta play by the rules, rookie. *let Terra go and left*

Chip: *jumps around* Now, just a second! You're the no-good cheater who's always breakin' the rules!

Terra: I can't say racing interests me, but we need to defeat the Unversed. Tell me what we've gotta do.

Chip: Are you talkin' about all those karts that look like scary, ugly monsters?

Chip and Dale: *Terra nods* Hmm....

Minnie, we've only ever seen the monsters on the track...

Chip: That's it! Terra, Ignis, you two just need to enter the races! And while you're at it, on of you take that Captain Dark down a notch or two. He's always breakin' the rules and causin' troubles.

Ignis: We have to become racers?

Chip and Dale nodded excited

Minnie: Now, I'm sure I don't have to tell you-

Terra: I know. We'll play by the rules.

Dale: Yay, Terra and Ignis are gonna be new racers!

Chip: Just come talk to me whenever you're ready. I'll get you both signed up and everything.

Ignis: Okay, let's get this done. They summoned their gears and waited at the start waiting for the signal.

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