Enchanted Dominion

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After some time they left Cinderella's home. Ventus took a bit to wake up Ignis. The next world was a castle surrounded by thorns. When they entered they were in the floor a castle.

Ventus: Still no sign of Terra.

Ignis: He was there. I smell a weak scent of him. Must be some time ago. 

Ventus: You can smell our scents?

Ignis: Yeah and when I smell pure darkness I'll become more aggressive and angry.

Ventus: Then that old lady from before-

Ignis: Darkness full of jealously, yeah. Xehanort can hide his own darkness very well. Every time he got too close to me, I've got a bit more angry. *looks at a door* Let's check this room out. Terra was in there.

Ventus: Alright.

They entered the room and saw in a blue bed lying a beautiful young woman with blonde hair, a golden crown on her head and a blue dress wearing sleeping. Ventus looked at her stunned. Ignis wanted to pull him back. What happened to her? I don't feel her heart. Wait. There's another smell. Weak but pure evil. Suddenly the 3 good fairys Flora (red), Fauna (green) and Merryweather (blue) appeared holding their staffs.

Flora: Stop, you two get away from her!

Ventus' Wha- Oh, I'm sorry. It's just, I've never seen anyone so beautiful.

Flora: *flew before Ventus and Ignis* Who are you?

Ventus: I'm Ventus. But you can call me Ven.

Ignis: You may call me Ignis.

Fauna: Oh... You two don't seem bad, dears. I'm certain you two have a pure heart, just like our precious Aurora.

Ignis touched instictively  his chest where his heart should be and looks down. There's nothing pure inside of me.

Ventus: Can you tell us why she's sleeping?

Flora: Long ago, Maleficent cursed her. Now she's stolen her heart.

Ignis balls his hand into a fist and looks gloomy on the ground.

Ventus: Hm... Well then, why don't we go get it back for her?

Fauna: That's impossible, dear. Maleficent's home is at the Frobidden Mountain, It's not safe.

Ignis: Not the first time, I was in dangerous places.

Ventus: I'm not afraid. We can't just leave Aurora like this. We can help. You gotta believe us. C'mon, let's go get her heart!

Flora: You know, you're absolutely right. The Forbidden Mountain is through the forest. Come along - follow us. After all, we wouldn't want you two to get lost.

When they went out they got attacked by more Unversed. Not only in the castle also outside on the bridge. Ventus got worried when he noticed that Ignis attacked them more aggressive then before. When they finally reached the path to the Forbidden Mountain, they stopped because the entry was blocked by a yellow-green fire wall with darkness.

Ignis: Pure Darkness. Disgusting.

Ventus: Ignis...

Ignis: What?! *Ventus shrugs and his gaze softenend* Sorry, it's the darkness. It's hard to control my anger when I see so much darkness, you know. It's not because of you. So, sorry again, Ven.

Ventus: It's alright. Just please be careful.

Ignis: Heh, shouldn't I say that to you?

Ventus: Wonder from who I got that. *lloks at the barrier* Looks like we're stuck.

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