Neverland and Xehanort's true goal

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When they arrived in Neverland they were in an Indian camp and Aqua picked up a rolled up parchment, before two kids in a bear and fox costume had the chance to grab it. The two boys groaned.

Slightly: We were so close.

Peter: Too bad, men. Tough break. *flew down to them*

Cubby/Slightly: But Pan. Oh no.

Peter: No buts. You know the rules. The first one to find and claim the treasure map... get's to be the leader. *walks to Aqua* And that's you. *looks to Ignis* You got slower, Mr. Kitty cat? I thought cats were faster than humans. *Ignis growled*

Aqua: Leader?

Slightly: Of the expatition!

Cubby: Uhh, we're goin' on a treasure hunt. And that's our map you got!

Tinkerbell flew to Peter and moved on the air around, feeling angry.

Peter: Whaddaya mean? I never said girls can't be part of the gang. C'mon, Tink, the more the merrier!

Aqua: I'm sorry, but I have something else I need to care of. *holds the map before Peter* Here, you keep it.

Tinkerbell nodded, agreed what Aqua said.

Peter: Too bad... but rules are rules. *Tinkerbell got angry again and Peter crossed his arms* I guess we'll just have to call of the treasure hunt.

Cubby/Slightly: Nooo!

Aqua: *felt pity for the boys* All right, you win. I'll join you for one "expatition." And Ignis, too.

Ignis: Wait, what?!

Slightly/Cubby: *jumping with joy* Whoopee!

Ignis: *groans and holds his nods nose bridge between his thumb and index finger*  What have I stumbled into ?

Peter: C'mon, Iggy. Or are ya afraid? 

Ignis: *groans* I just don't like the lot of attention. Alrigh' but like she said: One time.

Aqua inspected the map.

Aqua: As far as I can tell, we're here. *points at the position with her index finger* And this mark is where we'll find the treasure.

Slightly: Enough pointin'. C'mon, let's go!

Peter: Wait a second. We still don't even know our leader's name! *points at himself* I'm Peter Pan. The jealous over here *points at Tinkerbell* is Tinkerbell. *jumps angry on the air beside him* And you are?

Aqua: Aqua.

Peter Pan: So you're Aqua!

Aqua: Huh? Can it be that Ven and Terra were there, too?

Peter Pan: *floats* Now, first stop- Mermaid Lagoon!

Aqua: Oh, okay. *Peter and Tinkerbell flew away*

Ignis: Then let's go. The faster I get out of this world, the better. *turns to the kids* And you kids. Don't dare to pull my tail ever again!

Cubby/Slightly: Yes, sir!

From the Indian Camp, they went to the Gully and the Jungle Clearing and had to beat Unversed when they were on the path of the Mermaid Lagoon, they got interupted.

Hook: I have you now, Peter Pan! *they looked to Hook* Today's the day I shall be rid of you forever!

Peter: I'm busy right now, Hook. We're on an expatition. Can't I show you up some other day?

Hook: You'll show me up now! Give back me treasure!

Ignis: Oh, the walking joke of a pirate.

Aqua: Who's that?

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