Deep Space

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Terra and Ignis flew somewhere in the Lane Between. Ignis watched how Terra was watching at his Wayfinder. He seems to miss them. I'm still angry at Aqua, but.... I want to see us four together again. Like before it all started. They looked forward and saw a large horde of Jellyshades

Ignis: This cannot be!

Terras: All the way out there?

Terra swinged with his glider around and Ignis channeled his fire into his glider to burn them. When the horde got defeated, came suddenly a large ship over them. When they were right under the ship, they got somehow sucked in and Ignis' world went black. Some time later he woke up with a headache. I like sleeping, but not like that. He looked and saw that he was in a cell. He summoned his Keyblade opened his cell and jumped down. Barely down, there were already Floods and not far away Terra. When the fight was over, he teamed up with Terra.

Ignis: You know, where we are?

Before Terra could say something, they heard another voice.

Jumba: Very impressive display.

Ignis: *to Terra* C'mon, let's go.

Jumba: *saw that Ignis and Terra wanted to leave* Wait! You two help! I have been imprisoned on ridiculous charges!

They stopped walking.

Ignis: Yeah, really?

Terra: Is thats so?

Jumba: I am innocent scientist who created galaxy's most destructive- uh... constructive species of all time. Why, my experiment could annihilate creatures you fought so hard! He's bulletproof, fireproof, and can think faster than supercomputer. He can see in the dark and move objects 3.000 times his rather diminutive size. And for reasons preposterous, the Federation Council fears him. They take him away from me and throw me here in small, stuffy, rather badly lit cell.

Terra: Because he's so powerful?

Jumba: Exactly. Everyone always get antsy in pantses when somebody more powerful is in the neighborhood. You two understand, perhaps? We must make to rescue him, or he'll be banished to far reaches of space!

Terra: Okay then. Take us to him.

 Ignis: I'm only doing that to free that creature. Not for you.

Terra went to Jumba's cell and released him from there. When the door was gone, Jumba jumped down.

Jumba: Experiment 626

Terra: Hm?

Jumba: Is name I give adorable, fluffy creature you two are helping for to rescue. And I am genius scientist who created him, Dr. Jumba Jookiba.

Terra: I'm Terra.

Ignis: Name's Ignis.

Jumba: Pleasure  is all ours. 626 is this way. Hurry!

They left the prison and saw in a room a teleport. They entered and got into an etage with two doors. One was locked so they took the other route. They got attacked by more Jellyshades. After that they went the route what was open and stood before an air lock. They transformed into their armor and rode on their gliders and glided to the other side of the airlock, ignoring the Jellyshades for once. When they were in the hanger, they turned back into their normal forms.  There was some huge blocks and at the other end a terminal computer. Terra used the terminal so their airlock opened and the blocks floated up so they could reach the route what was very high up. Thanks for the lack of gravity, they could jump very high and reach the door. When they were in, they were in a room with some platforms. The two jumped down while fighting Unversed and took a door that was far down with a platform. 

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