Olympus Coliseum

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After he left Destiny Island he flew to the Olympus Coliseum. He was there one time and Hades tricked him to play in these games. He won and became champion but got beneath one with the darkness. Much for Ignis' frustration. When he was in the arena he got tired and slepped on a stone bench. Finally rest. Even when it is for short time. There were so many boring things in the meantime, I could had fallen asleep.

Some time later he woked up after someone was talking loud. Annoyed he opened his eyes and saw Terra talking with Hades before the ranking list. He stood up and watched them. Oh no. Not him.

Hades: You play nice with it, and darkness will be your best friend. But if you go and get all self-conscious and refuse to face it, the darkness will run over you like a debutante at a toga sale. And then where are you? Nowhere. *is behind Terra* Now me, I look at you and I see potential. That's right, kid. You got the potential to conquer the darkness inside you. And I'll even give you some pointers. I mean, believe me, if anybody knows conquering, I know conquering.

Terra: Well, let's hear it then. How do I conquer the darkness?

Hades: Easy. *leaves* You sign up for the Games. I know, I know. "Please, Lord Hades, the Games?"But hey, you would be surprised what you can learn in the heat of the battle. And don't worry. I'll be right there to guide you every step of the way. I'm kinda what you'd call an expert in the art of darkness. *notice Ignis* Oh, the champion from the last fight is here. Would be interesting who'll win. You or my old cat friend, Iggy. 

Terra: Iggy? *looked on the side* Ignis?

Hades: Yeah, him. Man he was pretty aggressive. Not very gratefull, 'must say. Gave him what he wanted and attacked me. *walks away* Oh, decide fast. This is a limited-time offer. *left into the building*

Ignis: Get lost, baldy. And we're not friends.

Terra: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be somewhere else?

Ignis: Don't come into wrong ideas. That was random to see you here. I just wanted to rest for a bit. I saw you were talking with Hades. Bad idea. But I was stupid enough and accepted his deal. Something happened then and I left after I've won. 

Terra: What now? Want to stop me?

Ignis: That was the plan at the first way, but said you want to go your own path, so I'll do nothing. For now. And to be honest... I really want to fight you and see how strong you became. See it as a chance to defeat me in the first time.

Terra: Okay, I know what to do. *goes into the room where Hades is in*

Ignis: I'll watch from now from the far. 

Terra waved at him from behind and enters the building. Ignis sat back on the benchI hope you know, what you're doing. Trusting Hades is like a deal with the devil. For what am I fighting for? The worlds? Light? The safety of the Princesses? For my friends? Friends... yeah that's it. In order to keep them save, I would fight darkness AND light. His thoughts got interrupted when he saw Terra coming back Oh he accepted the deal. and mastered the first rounds with easiness. Ignis was impressed how strong he became. Hades appeared behind him.

Hades: Now is your time, firefighter. 

Ignis didn't answered him and moved forward. His Sun Meteor came out.

Ignis: Strange, this isn't the final match. You're ready, Terra?

Terra: Yeah. 

Ignis: Okay, then let's see how strong you are now. 

The two ran forward so their swords clashed together. They pushed against each other while glaring. Then they jumped back and striked so the swords collided together. Even used Attack- and Magic Commands. When Terra's darkness began to rise, Ignis grabbed his wrist what was shining with twilight.

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