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They were suddenly in the Mysterious Tower. Aqua woke up.

Aqua: Where am I?

Ignis: Finally awake? 

She looked on the side and saw Ignis staring out of the window. He had bandages on his head to cover his right eye and left arm. He wasn't looking at her. Beside him was an orb of green light. She sat up and Yen Sid walked to her.

Yen Sid: Aqua, you and Ignis lost consciousness. Fortunatly, Mickey found you two and Ventus drifting in the Lanes Between. *Aqua looks at Ventus who sat against the wall and Mickey stands beside him* and brought you up back to me to receive proper care. I am sorry, but there was no sign of Terra.

Aqua: I see. Ignis... why does he have bandaged?

Yen Sid: What Ignis told me, it seems Xehanort transplanted pure darkness into his body, but thanks to his power of twilight he can resist it, but he did another damage to him. Xehanort destroyed Ignis' Keyblade. A shame that I don't know how to fix his wounds. He's hurt in the out- and inside.  

Aqua looked shocked and sighed sadly and crawled to Ventus and held his shoulder.

Aqua: Ven! *shakes him* Ventus!

Ignis: *embittered* Stop that. He can't wake up.

Aqua: What?

Yen Sid: The boy's heart is sleeping.

Aqua: When will he wake?

Yen Sid: *closes his eyes* I could not say. It is almost as though his heart has left. Should it return, he may very well wake. Should it not, then he may sleep like this for all eternity.

Aqua: No... I'll keep him safe-- until he wakes. Forever if I have to.

Yen Sid: I will tell you what your friend needs right now. It is not your protection. *turns around* He needs you to believe.  You see, Ventus's heart hangs in the balance. It sleeps in the place between light and darkness. *Ignis looks with his head at them* From all I can perceive, that means he will be looking for a friend- one who believes in him, to show him the way home. Just as long as you love him... then Ventus will be able to find you when he wakes. *sits on his chair*  He can follow that love back to where he belongs-- the realm of light. 

Mickey: *smiles* Don't you worry, Aqua. I believe in Ven, too. So does Ignis for sure, too. Gosh, he's been a good friend to me as anybody. And if you, Ignis and me believe in him with all our hearts... then he'll have three lights to follow instead of one.

Aqua: Four lights. Terra.

Mickey: *frowns* But... Terra's gone. Maybe for good.

Aqua: *takes out her Wayfinder* I think I know how to find him. 

After Ignis heard what Aqua said and left the room. He went out to calm down. A short moment later he saw Aqua coming out with Ventus on her back.

Ignis: So you're really doing that...

Aqua: First, Ven needs a safe place.

At that moment Ventus lifted his hand and his Keyblade appeared. It fired a beam of light and created a corridor of light.

Ignis: You know, that you may not return? Terra isn't anymore the person we knew. I have already lost two of you... Please, don't make it three.

Aqua: I will save us all. But if I not make it, please wait and believe in us that we will on day return.

To her surprise she saw that Ignis was crying before her for the first time.

Ignis: You better will. If I have to wait very for you until you three return... *balls his unharmed fist and smiles faint*  Brace yourself for a headbutt you'll never forget. Now go.

Aqua: Goodbye. *to Ventus* All right... If that's what you want to go.

After that she went into the corridor with Ventus. When they entered, the corridor disappeared. Ignis was sitting on the stairs for while and looked at the sky noticing a blue star. Aqua... He stared at the star until he saw the star disappear. He looked shocked but remembered that Aqua told him to believe in them and wait-for their return. He smiled faint and got out his Wayfinder watching it. 

Ignis: Just wait you three... I hope you'll don't let me wait too long. "Face darkens and arms shaking in fury" But I'll never forgive him. One day... he'll pay for everything he'd done. Not just him. Everyone who let my friends suffer. I swear it. "Calms down" I may not the same anymore like before but maybe they'll can still need my help.

He went back to Yen Sid's office. He stood before him. He and Mickey looked at him.

Ignis: Is there something, I can do to help?

Yen Sid and Mickey looked surprised but soon smiled and nodded. Ignis nodded too and went closer to them. One day, I'll get my revenge.

Destiny Island: Evening

In the main island were Sora, Riku and Byleth lying on the beach and stared at the sky. Riku then sat up.

Riku: Hey, I'm gonna head back.

Sora: *sat up and so did Byleth* Yeah. Me too.

The three kids went then back to their houses. Riku and Byleth noticed something on Sora.

Riku: Sora, what's wrong?

Sora: Huh?

Riku: *points at Sora's face* You're...

Byleth: You're crying.

Sora: *touches his cheek and wipes off his tear* That's wierd. It's like something's squeezing me inside.

Riku: Somebody up there must be sad.

Sora: Up where?

Riku: *looks up to the sky* They say every world is connected by one great big sky. So maybe there's somebody up there in all those worlds who's really hurting, and they're waiting for you to help them.

Sora: Well gee, do you think there's something I could do?

Riku: *crosses his arms* Hmm... Maybe they just need you to open your heart and listen.

Sora: Hmmm... I dunno Riku, you say some weird stuff sometimes, but I'll try it.

Riku: Okay. 

Byleth: *thinking* Open the heart... Why do I feel like someone is in great pain and anger and still moves forward somewhere outside?

The kids then closed their eyes and looked at the sky. Sora opened then his with a deep breath.

Riku: Well?

Byleth: Does it worked?

Sora: Ya know.... I think it worked.

They looked at the sky again and there were four stars shining. "In the time, the worlds would be saved by these two, who stood beneath the same blaze of stars."

One year later, when the kids watched a meteor shower, Sora watched suddenly to the side and he saw a girl floating in the water on the beach. She had shoulder lenght red hair, weared a white apron-like shirt with blue flowers and a blue line across the chest, a pink skirt with a white line on it and large, white shoes with pink and purple lines on them. Sora went to her.

Sora: Who... are you? *girl opened weakly her eyes* Where did you come from...?

Byleth walked up and carried her in piggyback. 

Byleth: You can ask her that later. She needs help.

Sora: Oh, sorry...

Riku: I wonder if she came from the outside.

The three brought her to the town. A few days later it came out that her name was Kairi but like Byleth she couldn't remember anything else. She got adopted by the major and Kairi became soon friends with Sora, Riku and Byleth.


And that's it guys. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by sleep is finished. But I plan already for more. So the next book will be Kingdon Emblem. Until next time.

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