Vanitas and Radiant Garden

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In the Lane Between looking for the next world, Ventus suddenly took another way to a world that looked like a wasteland. When Ignis noticed that Ventus flew to this world he followed him. As they entered the unknown World, they deactivated their equipment and landed on the ground.

Ignis: Okay, why here?

Ventus: I thought, maybe he could be hiding here.

Ignis: Who? 

They noticed suddenly that someone stood behind them and turned around. A masked boy. So he's the reason why Ven ran away at the first place.

Ventus: All right! What do you mean about Terra being a different person?

Vanitas: Exactly what I said, idiot. The Terra you know will be gone forever.

Ignis: Huh, just words and no action.

Ventus: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!

Vanitas: Stupid, or true.

To their surprise, Vanitas summoned his Keyblade Void Gear.

Ventus: A Keyblade?

They summoned their Keyblades. 

Vanitas: I want only to fight that loser, but don't worry Ignis you'll have your own fun.

Ignis: What?

Vanitas snapped with his fingers and then out from the nothing appeared a beast that didn't looked like an Unversed but had the symbol from them on the forehead.

Ignis: What... is this thing?

Vanitas: What? Are you afraid? If you don't attack it, it will attack you both.

Ignis: You!

Ventus: Don't worry, I got this. Take care of that Unversed.

Ignis: But... okay. (ran to the Beast)

Vanitas: *to Ventus* Good. Let's see what you're made of.

Ignis ran to the Beast as it rushed at them and attacked it with his Keyblade forcing it to stop coming closer. First it didn't looked very dificult (he striked and used Firaga, Cure, Fission Firaga and Poison) but that Beast was moving around very often and when it bowed came a big rock out to him which he could dodge. It stood then on two legs and attacked him with: it jumped and while it made a backflip more rocks came out. One of these rocks hit Ignis made him fall on the ground. He stood up and used Heal. That made Ignis angry and jumped on the back and started to hit the head. The Beast roared in pain and jumped so Ignis flew in the air.  While on the air, Ignis raised his Keyblade up creating a ball full of fire. It looked like the sun. Okay, you Beast. Playtime's over. He threw the ball at the Beast, made it engulve in a fire explosion. He heard the Beast cry in pain. When the fire was gone, the Beast laid weakened on the ground, trying to stand up. Ignis walked before the Beast and slammed his Keyblade into the Beast's forehead. It got quiet and when Ignis pulled his sword out, it disappeard into nothing. His break was not very long, when he saw Ventus lying on the ground defeated. He ran at him as fast as he could.

Vanitas: *walked to Ventus* That really all you got? Man, you are worthless. I's be going against the Master's orders, but so what? *stands before Ventus* As far as I'm concerned, your job here is done.

He created a large dark energy ball and shot it at Ventus making a powerfull explosion. Vanitas watched it but saw that Ventus wasn't lying there, anymore. Before the ball really hit him, Ignis was suddenly really fast. He grabbed Ventus and brought him to safety. He sat with him on the ground, his arm supporting his shoulders. Beside him stood Mickey who appeared suddenly from somewhere. 

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