오- Chapter 5

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The feeling of leaving the stage after giving it your all is almost saddening

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The feeling of leaving the stage after giving it your all is almost saddening. Even though everything went perfectly, realizing that this was my final performance made me sad. I wish I can always perform for an audience. Making people happy with my music would be a dream. The first step I take off the stage and away from the crowd, I fall to my knees. This was my last performance on this small stage for the town that I grew up in. With tears welling in my eyes, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I didn't care who it was, but I was glad for the comfort. As I collected myself, I felt someone wipe my eyes and face with a damp cloth.

"You have to go back and accept your award and scholarship! Mrs. White is talking about K Arts right now."

I look up and see Kaylee with tears in her eyes as well. I guess we were both a little emotional that our high school career was over. I quickly nod and wipe my eyes again. Thank god I wore waterproof mascara. I hear clapping as Mrs. White looks at me with a huge smile. I take a deep breath and walk out on the stage that I just left.

"Melody McKay has overcome many obstacles in her music career, and I couldn't be more proud as her teacher and friend. I know she will do amazing in South Korea. Many of you know that she isn't allowed to practice as much as she likes due to her injury, but I know shell power through just as she did with her stage fright when she first started performing. Now, it feels like we can't keep her from it. I think we can all agree that she will go to many places and live out her dreams. Thank you, Melody, for being an amazing student, and we all wish you the best of luck in SK!"

I can't help it as more tears fall down my face. My fantastic mentor was sending me off with such an amazing speech, and the auditorium erupted into applause and whistles. The small town that I've always wanted to leave was making it difficult to do that.



Just watched your performance! You did amazing!

Also watched your graduation video! You looked so small in that black robe.

Sorry I haven't been able to talk lately.

Work has been hectic.

Have fun at the BTS concert!

I'll talk to you later

Sent at 4:02 a.m

I wake up to multiple messages from Bun. We haven't had much time to talk this past month due to his busy work schedule. He says he sometimes even forgets his phone at home. I, on the other hand, was extremely bored. I went to a few summer parties with friends, but nothing insane. I packed a ton of my stuff and had it already sent to my new apartment in South Korea. I will be living in an apartment with a roommate that I haven't met or talked to yet, but they are a music performance major as well. Hopefully, we can get along. With tomorrow being the BTS concert, and leaving for South Korea the day after, I decided to text Bun.

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