A New Challenger

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Lillie POV

     I am walking with my brother, Gladion, to the pokemon gardens to see my mother. We get to the elevator and Winny is standing there waiting for us and grows a smile on her face.

Winny: Lillie, it's so good to see you again.

Lillie: It's good to see you too, Winny. How have you been?

Winny: I've been doing good, although I think I'm getting too old for this job anymore.

     She and I giggle and we head down the elevator to the gardens. The elevator stops and I see mother tending to an Alolan Grimer.

Lillie: Mother!

     My mom looks up and sees me, she gets all teary eyed and we embrace eachother.

Lusamine: My baby girl.

Lillie: I've missed you mom

Lusamine: I missed you too dear. Had I known you were coming, I would've been at the docks waiting for you.

Lillie: I wanted it to be a surprise.

Lusamine: Well consider me surprised. Welcome home, Lillie.

     Mom, Gladion and I go up to the balcony and have some tea and catch up. Then mom brings him up.

Lusamine: Have you seen (Y/n) since you arrived?

Lillie: *slight blush* Uh yeah, he actually stopped some pirates that attacked the boat I was on.

Lusamine: And?

Lillie: And what?

Lusamine: Don't think me a fool Lillie, I know you have feelings for (Y/n). He's a good, courageous man.

Lillie: *blush deepens* Mom?!

Lusamine: All I'm saying is he won't be available forever, so I suggest you tell him how you feel before it's too late.

     I want to argue about it, but I know in my heart mom's right, I need to tell him.

Winny: Excuse me.

     We look at Winny who has a unfamiliar man in tow.

Lusamine: Yes, Winny can I help you?

Winny: I just have someone who wishes to speak to you.

Brandon: Pardon the interruption. My name is Brandon and I am looking for the Alolan Champion.

Lillie: (Y/n)?

Brandon: I had heard that the Champion is particularly strong and I would like to challenge him.

     Just then I get a notification on my phone, it's a text from (Y/n) telling me that he finished his battle with Hau and is heading to Iki Town.

Lillie: Actually Brandon, I am about to go meet with him, if you want to tag along. You see there's a festival in Iki Town tonight so maybe you can challenge him there.

Brandon: That would be nice of you. Thank you.

     With that I say goodbye to mom and Gladion, then Brandon and I take a boat to Melemele Island. We get to the docks and head into town, then Brandon asks...

Brandon: So, what's this festival about?

Lillie: Oh, we honor Tapu Koko the gaurdian of the island and thank it for it's protection. (Y/n) actually caught it, but most days it spends outside guarding the island.

Brandon: Impressive.

     We walk to Iki Town and I see (Y/n)  fly over us and land in the middle of town. I grow a big smile on my face and run to where he landed.

Lillie: Hi (Y/n), how did it go?

(Y/n): I won again, but Hau is slowly getting stronger. How's your family?

Lillie: Oh their great, they were really happy to see me. Oh, I want to introduce someone. This is Brandon, he said he was here looking for you.

Brandon: As stated earlier I am Brandon. A pleasure to finally meet you Champion. *holds out hand*

(Y/n): Likewise. *shakes hands* So, what's the head of the Battle Frontier doing all the way in Alola.

Brandon: Hahaha, you're reputation proceeds you. I wanted to challenge to a friendly competition battle. This is not a title battle, I just want to see how strong you are.

(Y/n): As is tradition at this festival, there will be a bttle to please Tapu Koko. I will accept your challenge.

Hala: Oh ho, this will surely be a great display. I'll prepare the stadium.

     I am surprised to hear that Brandon is a Battle Frontier brain. Even though I don't care for pokemon battle, I can still appreciate one and cheer on (Y/n). (Y/n) and I spend a few more hours together, I introduce my pokemon that I've caught and they and (Y/n)'s pokemon got along right off the bat.

Lillie: Listen (Y/n), about earlier I'm sorry about doing that without your permission.

(Y/n): Ha, No need to apologize, it was actually really sweet.

Lillie: *blushes heavily* (Y/n) I-

Hala: Alright, everyone gather around for the Tribute Battle!

(Y/n): Well that's my queue, what did you want to ask?

Lillie: It can wait until after. You've got a battle to win.

(Y/n): *sarcasticlly* I thought you didn't like battles?

Lillie/(Y/n): *Laughs*

(Y/n) POV

     I ready myself for Brandon's challenge and head to the stadium. He and I stand on opposite ends and greet eachother.

Brandon: Let's see just how strong you really are.

(Y/n): Right! To a good battle.

Brandon: To a good battle.

Hala: Ready! Battle Begin!

Brandon: Registeel, to my side!

Brandon: Registeel, to my side!

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Registeel: Regi!

(Y/n): First time I've ever seen one, so Charizard, I choose you!

Charizard: ROAR!

Brandon: That's one very impressive Charizard. You must've trained it well.

(Y/n): Charizard's the first pokemon I ever got. We've been together since the beginning and that's not changing.

Brandon: Then show me that passion! Registeel, Flash Cannon!

Registeel: Regi! *uses Flash Cannon*

(Y/n): Charizard, Flamethrower max power!

Charizard: Roar! *uses Flamethrower*

     Our attacks connect and their evenly matched, causing and explosion. This might be a good battle, we'll just see how far Brandon can push us.

(A/N): Oh man, (Y/n), the Alolan Champion and Savior of the Islands and Ultra Space, versus Brandon the final and strongest brain of the Battle Frontier. Who will come out on top? Find out next time.

Hey guys hope you guys enjoyed, let me know in the comments if you do. Have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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