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Jaehyun P.O.V

"Wouldn't you like to know Jaehyunnie?"

I feel my knees getting weaker every time he speaks. I couldn't breathe properly and my chest kept rising up and down, begging for air.

"Answer me" Johnny said so dominantly. I could smell him from where I am, he smells like a combination of nature and cologne, it was intoxicating. The words I wanted to let out was just in the tip of my tongue. I opened my mouth but no words were said so I all I could do was nod.

"With words baby" Baby- Did he just called me that!? It rolled off his tongue so smoothly. His face was so close, I could feel his deep breaths in the side of my neck.

"Y-yes" I finally managed to squeak out. My heart was beating faster and faster.

Johnny hums and took a step back and I felt like I could breathe again.

"Oh okay then" Johnny said with a sweet smile.

"Then we should meet someday so I could tutor you? Well if you don't mind of course." He continued. Wait what? Tutor? Gosh that definitely wasn't what I thought. Fuck my peanut brain for thinking such dirty things. What was I thinking anyway? Of course Johnny doesn't want to have sex with me. Guess the rumours were definitely not true.

"T-tutor? I'm fine with it...I guess." I spoke with a hint of disappointment, I hope he didn't catch it. I narrow my eyes to the side, not bothering to look at him.

"You sound disappointed Jaehyun" 'Shit' I thought. I felt my ears and cheeks bring up, I opened my mouth but... What am I supposed to say? I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to me. This is Deja vu. When I looked up, I saw him staring deeply into me, his brown eyes darkening. My heart started racing again, breathing in controllably, looking everywhere but him. Then I felt a hand on my chin and gasps.

"You wanted to do something else, did you?" Johnny said while griping onto my chin so I could look at him. His eyes were darker than the night. I turned redder if that's even possible, I never felt exposed before. I heard him chuckle deeply and let go of my chin.

"Guess I was right" He stepped back and took his stuff from his desk. The taller then looked back at me.

"Well, do you wanna come with me?" I was too overwhelmed to know what he meant so I just nodded. Johnny smiled and opened the door, telling me to come out. So I did just that, I hopped off the room with him following. Johnny closed and locks the door behind. He walked off to the parking lot while I follow behind him with my fingers fiddling with each other. I was a bit nervous I guess, the students around us were while staring and whispering.

It made me even more nervous so I stood closer to Johnny, the man made me feel more at ease... I didn't know why but, he feels like home, his presence was welcoming. It felt odd since when he was teaching, his aura was cold and intimidating. But the man beside me was the exact opposite, warm and welcoming.

We reached the parking lot and he opened the passenger door for me, indicating that I should go inside. 'What a gentleman' I thought. I hopped in and he closed it for me too. Johnny got in the driver's seat and start the car which then drove off to somewhere.

My Hot Professor • Johnjae ✔Where stories live. Discover now