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Third-person P.O.V

Jaehyun is now in his first class, not paying attention as usual. No he isn't daydreaming about him again, instead he can't stop thinking about the events that happened yesterday.


"Because he's my fucking father for gods sake" Mark yelled, his voice filling the entire house.

Jaehyun took a few steps back, processing what Mark had said. Johnny immediately ran inside the living room and...start pinching Mark's cheeks?

"Ow, why did you do that?" The boy whined.

"One, payback. Second, no swearing!" Johnny replies, crossing his arms like a disappointed father.

"But you fuckin swear every day-" But before Mark could continue, the taller shuts his mouth with his big hands.

"Uh Jaehyun?" Johnny called out, holding onto a struggling boy on his arms whose begging for dear life.

"Huh- Oh yeah what up?" 'wow nice one Jaehyun' he thought.

"Do you mind if you go to my room? I have to deal with this little dork over here" The taller said pointing at Mark who is trying his best to get his fathers dirty hands of him.

"I am not a dork you jerk-" The boy complained, but again he was cut off by Johnny.

"Please?" Johnny pleads. Jaehyun nodded and ran upstairs to the bedroom. He heard a loud shriek before closing the door shut. His back hits the door and slid down.

"What the fuck did I just witnessed?" Jaehyun whispers. He probably just witnessed a father and son bonding moment, right? He lets out a sigh and walks to the bathroom and took a shower.


"Jesus fucking christ-" Johnny hissed, looking at his bitten palm-full of saliva. Fortunately, he isn't disgusted by it, he's used to these things when Mark was still in his diaper days.

"Why did you do that?" He asked the boy who is staring daggers at him.

"Uh I don't know maybe because your disgusting hand was choking me?!" Mark exaggerated.

"Ok first of all, how is my hand disgusting?"

"God knows where those hands came from" The boy shivers at the thought, screw his dirty mind.

"Oh wow Mark I never knew you were such a pervert-"

"I am not a pervert! It's your fault I have this kind of mind" Mark defended. Johnny gave him an offended look.

"My fault?" he pointed at himself.

Mark nodded.

"Yeah okay whatever I'm too old for this bullshit-"

"Old? yeah so old you actually had the thought of fucking a 20-year-old-"

"Okay Mark you're grounded" Johnny exclaimed before walking off to his room.

"What?! Why?!" Mark complained. The taller just looks at him with a 'are you serious?' expression.

The boy pouted in response "what kind of grounded?And how long?" he asked.

Johnny stops in his tracks and thinks...."You're not staying in Donghyuck's" He responded.

"Oh that's easy-"

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