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Third-person P.O.V

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"You have a surprise waiting for you"

After Taeyong said that and left, Johnny wanted to ask him but was to late. 'What kind of surprise?' He thought. So he decided to look around the house to check on this surprise.

While Johnny is still roaming around the house other than his own room, Jaehyun on the other hand is rummaging through the man's closet. God knows why tho. He took a big grey hoodie out and sniffs onto it.

"God why do you smell so good" He whispers, planning on using it after they were done. Jaehyun hops on the bed, making him bounce a bit. 'Where the fuck are you?' He said internally. Then suddenly he hears footsteps getting louder and louder as times pass by, immediately making him sat up on the edge of the bed, lifted his skirt up a bit to reveal more of his thicc white thigh, hands straight on his sides and shoulders rising up high.

Johnny didn't find anything, he looked everywhere, thinking Taeyong lied to him since the man enjoys surprises. But in the end, he had one room left, his room. The man lumbers across, grabbing the door nob and impatiently swings the door open, his eyes widen when he saw the certain someone.

Snorting as he speaks "What a very pleasant surprise" he said lowly. Remember when he said he enjoys surprises? Oh he definitely loves this one.

"Yeah, very pleasant isn't it" Jaehyun croons. Johnny lets go of his grip on the doorknob, gently closing the door behind him as he gets in. His long legs strides until he was 50 inches away from the smaller, his tall erect posture facing him. The man stands straight, taking off his black jacket suit and tie while Jaehyun tilts his head back as he patiently watches. Both eyes keeping in contact. The taller puts his jacket and tie down on his desk, soon rolling his sleeves up and unbuttons a few on his shirt, revealing his sharp collarbones.

Jaehyun then got up on his feet, swaying his hips as he walks towards Johnny. The man stuffs his hands on his pockets, waiting. The smaller wraps his arms around his neck, having to tiptoe since he was very short comparing to the taller. Johnny placed his big hands on the sides of Jaehyun's thigh, stroking it softly. They stare at each with full of lust, lips only inches away.

After a while of sexual tension, their lips finally connects. The smaller's heart skips a beat, even tho they've done this before, it never fails to melt his heart. He asks himself, how did he let himself fall in love so easily with such a perfect man that he couldn't have? But to this moment, it didn't matter to him, what matters most is what's happening right now. Then, Johnny gropes the smaller's ass, emitting a loud moan from him. He shoves his tongue inside, collecting his moans. Their hearts raced as the kiss deepens from time to time.

Pulling away, Jaehyun gasped for air while Johnny chuckles. The taller placed his forehead on the smallers, giving a quick peck on the tip of his nose, leading him to giggle at how sweet he is.

"That's cute of you" Jaehyun breathed before he pulling Johnny with all his strength, throwing him to the bed. He Immediately sits down on the taller's stomach, hovering over him with both hands on the side of his head.

"Oh?" Johnny smirks, soon their tongues were pressed together in a hot, open-mouthed kiss. As they intensively make out, Jaehyun felt wetness dampening on the fabric of his panties. Both already feeling very aroused. Once he pulls out, Jaehyun got off the bed to take something.

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