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Third-person P.O.V

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"Aahh I'm horny!" Jaehyun groans loudly as he drops his head on the wooden table. He has been craving for a certain man quite a while now, and he's almost reaching his breaking point.

"Jesus, hyung you don't have to say it out loud" Mark said to his hyung currently who's currently whining non-stop. At first it was a nice conversation about the fetus inside Taeyong's body, and that nice conversation was ruined by Jaehyun's horny ass.

"Before you start fingering yourself, please just leave and go meet him" Donghyuck told him.

"I want to~ but class is starting soon" Jaehyun wails like a little boy who just got his candy stolen.

"Isn't your next class his?" Mark recalls, that being said made the older's face brightened up.

"You're not going to fuck in front of the whole class right?" Donghyuck said, causing Jaehyun's bright face a little bit sour again.

"I mean I only need to wait a few minutes and-" He explains but immediately got interrupted.

"By a few you mean 50" Donghyuck arched a brow. Jaehyum slams his head on the table again in frustration, he isn't so lucky today.

"Ugh, all I wanted was Johnny's big, long, hard juicy dick pouncing onto me-"

"Aight Imma head out" Mark and Donghyuck said in unison as they abruptly got off their chair and gets the fuck away from the contaminated man.

~In class~

Jaehyun is suffering.

He never felt so agonized until this day, this moment.

Jaehyun is currently longing for the man in front of their class, remember the day when Johnny wore clothes that made a lot of students horny including Jaehyun? He did it again. But luckily this time it's not as extreme, he's just wearing a white tank top covered by a faded pink jacket with black jeans, simple but mouthwatering. Jaehyun wants to jump on him right here and then, but he still has little sanity left to stop him from doing so.

It's only been 20 minutes since class started yet the smaller is already getting impatient. He needs to wait for another 30...good luck for him.

As expected, when it comes to Johnny's class, he never listens. That's how he got into this situation the first place, Jaehyun's happy he didn't tho or else he and the taller wouldn't be together. He stares and his eyes follow every single move or step Johnny does, the burning sensation inside of him us starting to get the best of him.

After 30 minutes, Johnny dismissed the students. A part of them groans because they can no longer stare at the man and the other part didn't give a single shit. Jaehyun on the other hand never felt so delightful. He gave himself a pat on the back for surviving 50 minutes of hell.

Everyone, including Jaehyun, packs their stuff and leaves. He does this just so the students around won't raise suspicious on him for staying in the class after all of them left. As every single one of them leaves the room, Jaehyun waited for a few seconds before running back inside. He saw Johnny cleaning up his stuff and getting ready to leave but before he could do so, the smaller jumps onto him. Causing the taller to almost ahe a heart attack.

"Daddy fuck me" Jaehyun hissed as he smashes his lips on Johnny's. The man was very much surprised but soon kissed back anyways. But then remembers that they were in class, so he breaks off the kiss, making Jaehyun whine.

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