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Third-person P.O.V

"This is an adult conversation" Johnny said to the two boys who have been begging to be in the conversation for five whole minutes.

"We're adults!" Mark informs while pointing to both him and Donghyuck.

"Yeah and what is even an adult conversation? Do you talk about BDSM parties? How to sell coke? The best position to please your partner? We talk about that shit all the time" Donghyuck said while crossing his arms.

"Not all adult conversation is like that and what in the actual fu-"

"Just get in your room" Jaehyun deadpans, tired of listening to their desperate begging.

And of course, that immediately sent shivers down both Mark and Donghyuck's spine. The power of a mother is truly incredible. The Markhyuck couple ran off and spy on them on a wall, but they got caught as they felt eyes glaring at them, so they sadly walk towards Mark's room. Once the two were out of sight, the other four adults finally get to talk in peace.

"How did you..." Taeyong begins, quite shocked by Jaehyun capability in disciplining dumb & dumber, even he sometimes couldn't get them to listen.

"What?" He arched a brow.

"I- never mind" Taeyong laughs it off, he never knew Jaehyun could be such a mom. Guess he won't be having any problem in taking care of the two chaotic mess.

"Okay, Doyoung you talk first" Johnny commands, getting a whine from the younger.

"Why me?"

"You're the one who wanted to talk" The taller reminds, causing Doyoung to sigh in defeat because he isn't wrong.

He stood up from the coach and steps further to Jaehyun reaching him and gripped onto both his shoulders and stares deeply to his eyes. When the man didn't say anything and just gaze onto the smaller's brown eyes, it made Jaehyun rather nervous. The base of his palms starts to sweat, heartbeat getting quicker, Doyoung's stare was intense so it couldn't make him focus onto him. Johnny's going to start a riot if they start kissing again.

Now that he pays close to the man in front of him, he didn't change much. Well of course they were only separated for 2 years. It was silent until Doyoung's speaks up.

"Are you dating this old hag?"


"I'm going to fucking choke you" Johnny groans as he heavily walks towards the two men, so ready to throw hands.

"Just do it to Jaehyun he would surely love that-"

"Doyoung!" Jaehyun yelled at the said man.

"Wait how did you know he has a choking kink?" Johnny stops in his tracks, getting curious.


"Who do you think stole his virginity?" Doyoung smirked.

"Fucking kill me" Jaehyun cursed as he sat beside Taeyong who watched the whole scene unfold, he got better things to do than get in the drama. The two stare at their man arguing about non-sense, wondering to themselves on how the hell did they get those two idiots that they, unfortunately, love very much.

"Why did you come here in the first place?" Jaehyun started, taking the older's attention from the two to him.

"I wanted to tell you, Johnny, Mark and Donghyuck something" Taeyong smiled, he just remembered his purpose of being there.

"About what?"

"I'm pregnant"

*Loud glass shattering noises coming from the kitchen*


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Took me a minute to search this-

Yoo my fiance threatened to call off the engagement if I fail my class, guess I gotta go study then 😔

Take care <3

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