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Third-person P.O.V

"Are you done yet?"


"Are you done yet?" He asks once more.



"Are you done-"

"Can your impatient ass just wait?!" Jaehyun shouted.

To which the taller immediately raised his hands in defence, chuckling nervously. Jaehyun scoffs before proceeding to cook their breakfast, he was the one who cooked because Johnny can't cook for shit, same goes to his son but Mark is a lot worst. He groans in frustration and drops his head on the dining table, to say he was very hungry.

"But I'm so hungry" Johnny whines.

"I mean it's not my fault you didn't eat yesterday" Jaehyun acknowledges, pouring the waffle batter onto the waffle maker.

"I would if your horny ass didn't suddenly come up to my office and sucked my dick-" He complains but then felt a sharp pain on his forehead, it seems Jaehyun has thrown a spatula at him.

"Don't blame it on me" He deadpans "Plus I'm sure you enjoyed it"

The smaller open up the waffle maker and puts them onto a plate, he was just about to serve them but got stopped by big muscular arms curling up around his petit waist. Feeling the man's warm breath on his neck, his hard rock abs and even felt something poking on his ass.

"You're right, I do enjoy it" Johnny said in a wonderfully fruity voice, making Jaehyun tingle a bit. He lays his head on his chest, putting down the plate of waffles and holds onto his arms.

"I'm always right" He boasted, embracing the warmth. The taller chuckles before planting soft kisses on Jaehyun's neck, leading him to let out cute giggles. The smaller spun himself so he can face Johnny, cuddling onto him. They share a few seconds of gazing into each other's eyes before connecting their lips together, it was filled with pure love and affection, they really do love one another.

Jaehyun melts onto his arms as Johnny tugs him closer, they pull apart for a second. The smaller blushes as stare onto the taller's loving eyes.

"I lobe youu" He tiptoed and pecks the side of his cheeks.

"I love you too Peach" Johnny beams. Soon attaching their lips once more, this time just a bit needier. Jaehyun wraps his hands around the man's neck, deepening the kiss. Then unexpectedly, Johnny gave his ass a quick smack before pulling away, making Jaehyun let out a yelp.

"Okay now gimme food" The taller exclaims, his lower-back laying on the edge of the dining table.

"Which one would you like to eat?" Jaehyun said in a flirtatious matter, sitting in the countertop and slightly raising his legs. He was only using Johnny's hoodie with nothing underneath it, looking up through his lashes. Obviously trying to seduce the man. But he was too hungry to care and notice.

"Waffles" Johnny said with no hesitation.

"Oh, you sure?" The smaller tries again, but all he gets is a failure.

"Yep" Oh God Jaehyun wants to slap him with a big and wet fish right there, never knowing the man was this dense. He takes the plate of waffles and gives it to the taller, who eats it happily, not noticing that his love was a bit desperate.

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