Chapter 1

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__{ Y/N's POV}__

I had to investigate about this Hanako San. Apparently, there are 7 wonders in this school, so more spirits to exorcise! I asked everyone at school to tell me what they know about her, and I found something very interesting.

There's a girl named Yashiro Nene, and she happens to talk about him quite a lot, actually. Now, what was it that she said? Ah, yes; she said," Hanako Ku— San is a good spirit. He even granted my wish!" I overheard. I noticed how she said "he" when the rumors state that Hanako San is a girl.

Maybe I should ask Kou, he should know, also. He probably had an encounter with Hanako San before! I skipped to Kou's class, trying to spot him through the crowd.

"Hey Kou!" I yelled. He quickly spotted me and ran towards me. "Hi Y/N! What's up?" He asked. "Do you have any information about Hanako San?" I asked. Kou looked surprised. He hesitated to speak for a moment, then thought about what he was going to say before opening his mouth.

"Well, he— Hanako San is very... troublesome" he replied.

Troublesome? What's that supposed to mean? "Kou, please tell me the truth." I said sternly. "W-what am I lyin—" "Kou, I know you're lying". I gave him a disappointed look.

"Fine then, I'll ask Teru Nii". I got up and left the classroom, wondering what Kou was hiding from me. I walked down the hall, looking straight ahead of me. Everyone always stared at me, or spared me a glance.

What was so interesting about me, though? Being an exorcist is cool and all, but at school, you seem dumb if you tried talking to ghosts in public.

Take it from my brother, Kou. He became that weird kid that everyone knew for about 4 months before everyone lost interest in that.

Was I only cool because I was Teru Nii's sister? Well, I wouldn't know. I walked into the student council room, finding Teru Nii and Akane Kun having a chat. "Hello Teru Nii" I said. He looked up and waved at me.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" He asked. "Well, I just wanted to ask you a question." I said, slowly turning to Akane, who looked like he was having a hard time. "Hello Akane" I said to him. I saw him shiver, by just looking up at me.

"H-hello... Minamoto S-San..." he said, frozen in fear. "Would you mind getting me some water?" I asked, tilting my head. "W-water?" He repeated. I think he snapped, because the next thing you know is that he's yelling at me.

"Why don't you get your own water? Too lazy? Fine, I'll show you that I'm not weak like yo—" I pierced him with a cold stare. "Oh, can you repeat that?" I asked. I walked closer to him.

I pulled out the staff, fiddling around with the tip. "I guess this would affect you half of what it would affect a normal supernatural" I said.

Akane stayed there. "S-sorry! I will get the water right away!" He said, running out of the room.

"Heh, there must be a reason you're here, right Y/N?" Teru Nii asked me. I looked back at him. "Yeah, I wanted to know... is there any information on Hanako San?" I asked.

Teru Nii pondered a little before talking. "Oh, Hanako San is very... troublesome." That's the same thing Kou said... "why would you want to know?" He asked. "I want to exorcise her!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I wish you best of luck, Y/N." He told me. "Even I couldn't exorcise him" he muttered.

"Him?" I questioned. Teru looked at me. "You'll see when you get there."


Y/N walked to the 3rd floor, trying to find the girls restroom. She finally found it, then took a step forward. Clean, she thought as she walked closer to the 3rd stall. Y/N put her hand closer to the door, trying to sense a presence. As soon as she felt something, she knew Hanako San was there.

Y/N knocked 3 times, slowly and steadily. "Hanako San, Hanako San..." she started.

"I know you're there..."

Y/N turned around, holding her staff up. "Oh Hanako San... you can quit playing games now" she said with a sadistic smile.  Y/N dropped her staff onto the ground , crossing her arms.  "I'm no threat for now, aren't I?"   Y/N asked. 

A hand touched her shoulder.  Y/N tuned around and smacked the person doing so.  "You think games can scar— Huh?!" Y/N gasped, looking at a boy on the floor.  He looked up at Y/N, grinning. 

Y/N then looked at the boy in disgust.  "Disgusting" you said.  "This is a girl's Bathroom and you think you can go around here without shame?  Disgusting" you repeated. 

"Heh, I see you're an exorcist, is that right?"  The boy spoke.  "I mean, I've been living in this restroom all this time, so what's so shameful about this?".  You glared at him. 

Then something caught your eye.  2 ghost orbs...?  Then it hit you.  "You're Hanako San of the toilet?" You asked.  "That's right~!" Hanako San responded.  "Since you came here... I'm guessing you have a wish?" He asked. 

"Not quite, but that'll do" you said.  "Ok, what's your name and what's your wish?"  Y/N looked at him.  "My name is Y/N Minamoto, and I wish to exorcist you." Y/N said. 

Hanako San looked down, then turned away.  "Goodbye".  You quietly picked up your staff, and straight up attacked him.  Hanako turned around,"this again?  How many Minamoto's do I need to explain that this won't kill me?" 

You didn't care what he said.  Your only goal was to exorcist him.  "What if it won't?  It doesn't mean you won't be damaged." You grinned.  "Hakujoudai!" Hanako San yelled.  Hakujoudai suddenly appeared as a cape to protect Hanako San. 

"I've learned many things from my family, and this little trick would never fool me" you said, taking your staff and ripping off Hakujoudai off of Hanako San's clothes.  "Hah" he chuckled.  "Doesn't your hand hurt?" Hanako pointed out, grabbing my fist.  "Hurt?  Why would my hand ever hurt?" I asked.  Hanako San was confused.  "Wait... so it doesn't hurt?" He asked me.  I rolled my eyes and hit him with my staff. 

"Phew!" I sighed as I dusted off my hands.  I glanced over at Hanako San but he's knocked out. 


Ah, that was the last bell.  I guess everyone's heading home.  I was about to walk out until suddenly, I heard footsteps headed this way. 

"Oi Hanako, me and senpai are her— HANAKO?!" Kou yelled.  "Kou?" I said.  "What are you doing in here?" I asked.  "Y/N?!  What are you doing here?!"  He said.  "I beat up Hanako" I sighed, clutching onto the staff.  "Uh!  He didn't get exorcised yet!" I fussed.

"Y/N!  He's my FRIEND!" Kou yelled at me.  "What?!" I said.  "He's a supernatural!".  "It doesn't mean—" Kou looked and saw the staff.  How was he bea—" "I ripped apart his Hakujoudai away from his clothes" I explained.  "Wha— how does your hand not burn?!" He cried looking at my hands. 

I rolled my eyes at him.  "I wore gloves, duh" I responded.

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