Chapter 2

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"... so what are you doing here, Kou?" You asked.  "Y/N..." Kou started.  "Hanako isn't a bad apparition".  I snorted.  "PFFFT!! Hanako isn't a bad apparition, what even are you saying Kou??" You laughed off.

"Y/N." He said in a serious tone.  "How do you know if he's even evil?" Kou asked.  You glanced over at Hanako San.  "Well he's obviously trying to harass girls that go in this bathroom because why is he here if he's a boy?" You said, turning back to Kou. 

"Er..." a girl with big ankles butted in.  "Hanako Kun isn't bad!  He's just a pervert." You eyed her.  "Who are you?" You ask.  "I'm Yashiro Nene!  A first year here" she replied.  You examined her, especially her big ankles.  "I knew it..." you said.  "Knew what...?" Yashiro asked.  "He harassed you didn't he?" You asked. 

"Um... I wouldn't deny that... but..." she said.  You rolled your eyes and faced Hanako San's direction.  You picked up your staff and held it tight.  "Hey Hanako San, if you don't wake up right now..." you said.  "I won't hesitate to hurt you". 

... no response. 

"So that's how you wanna play, aye?" You take the staff and zapped him multiple times. 





"O-Ouch!  Ok I'm up, I'm up!" Hanako San emerged in pain.  He looked... burnt?  Well, he just looks like the cereal Teru Nii made this morning.  You rolled your eyes, and bonked him in the head.

"So Kou..." you started. "Why should I not exorcise him?" You asked, facing Kou's direction. "W-well, Hanako isn't a... bad ghost!" Said Kou. "He's just really slimy and Pervy!" Kou shouted. S-seriously? You mentally face-palmed.

You turned to the burnt ghost, picking him up by the collar and started shaking him. "Y-Y/N... senpai, I don't think you should do that—" Yashiro was cut off with you dropping Hanako in the toilet and the Mokke tried to flush him down. You looked at Kou, tilting your head and placing a finger on your chin.

"If this ghosts messes with me, I won't hesitate to kill him", you said.

Kou's eyes widened. "Y-Y/N, you shouldn't do th—" "BAKA! You dare talk back?" You gave him a cold stare, then turned to the exit. "I'm coming back for him, so stopping me is useless" you said. You left the bathroom and headed to the student council room. You turned and saw Teru Nii, who noticed you and gave you a quick wave.

"I couldn't exorcise him!" You placed your face on a table. "Heh, not as strong as me, aren't ya?" Teru chuckled. You pouted and started fussing. "I was sooo close! Then Kou had to come in and stop meee!" You complained.

Akane came in.

"M-minamoto San... where were y-you? I have your water..." Akane stammered, placing a cup of water on the desk you were at. "I was trying to throw away trash", You replied. He shivered.

"Hey, I thought you were a sadist? Why so soft on Kou?" Teru Nii asked me. "That's only for apparitionsss so they can feel my wrath! And plus, he's our brother." You said. "Hey, then how come you attack me?" Asked Akane. "your also a supernatural" Teru Nii shot back.

Boys are seriously dumb sometimes... even Teru Nii is kinda stupid, you thought. You walked out of that room, and came to the library where you can rest at. You placed your arms and head on a table and fell into a deep slumber.

Y/N... come back

Y/N... come back


Come back to reality





"Y/N wake up!" You heard a familiar voice. "H-huh?" You rubbed your eyes. "Y/N, how many times have I told you not to sleep in the library?"

"S-spider..." you muttered.

Then you gasped. "S-S-S-SPIDER SENSEI?!" You yelled. "Shhh!" Someone whispered. Tsuchigomori sighed. "What is with everyone calling me a spider?" He whispered. "Wait what? How long was I asleep?" You asked. It's around 6:00 PM. You should go home" he answered. You stared at him.

"Nah, I'll go later." You responded. He shook his head. "If you say so" and then he left. You sighed, and you were exhausted. You fell back to sleep, even after Tsuchigomori told you not to.


Come here~~

Y/N come back


Come suffer with us~

Y/N, come


You jolted back up and started panting. Sweat dropped down your chin. "Y/N~~" you heard a voice. You turned around hand smacked a person by accident. "Ouch! You know you hit really hard!" You saw a boy with dark choppy hair. "Hanako San?!" You yelled. "Shh!" Some voices whispered. You rolled your eyes and started pulling out your staff.

"Wait wait wait!" Hanako San yelled as he tried making you put it away. "What do you want?" You asked. "To fulfill your wish" he grinned. "... so you'll let me exorcise you?" He sweat dropped. "Nope~!" He said. "Then what's the point" you replied, putting your head back to the table. You tried falling asleep but he kept bothering you.

"Y/N~" he whispered. "You know, you were really cute when you slept" he said, teasing you. "W-W-WHAT??" you yelled. "YOU WERE WATCHING ME?!" "Shhh!" The librarian shushed. You decided to take matters outside.

Once you were outside, you faced Hanako San. "So, care to explain why you were stalking me?" You asked.  "I just wanted to know you more!" He said.  "Are you sure you're a sadist?" He asked.  Anger was forming in your body.  "Do you want to test me?" You asked, giggling.  You couldn't stop giggling, and it made your sadistic side go wild. 

Hanako stared at you, terrified.  Is this girl normal?! He thought to himself. 

"Then let's duel tonight and no interruptions aloud" you said.  He grinned. 

"I'm looking forward to your show" Hanako San replied. 

999 words (not including this)

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