Chapter 3

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Y/N was pissed. Has he got no shame?! You screeched in your mind. You sighed, and sat down in a corner of a room and dozed off.

Teru walked into the room, holding a file of papers, then saw you sleeping. He placed down the papers and crouched to your level. "Y/N?" He asked. "Are you gonna stay here tonight?" You yawned, waking up and rubbing your eyes. "Wha-what time is it..." you asked, trying to not fall asleep.

He laughed at you. "It's almost 8:00 PM, so we should hurry home" he replied.  Oh no!  The duel is tonight!  But what if I sneak out of the house at 12 and then we can duel... you thought.  "Ok, carry me home Teru Nii, I'm lazy" you said. 

He glared at you.

"What?" You asked. "How much do you weigh?" Teru Nii asked you. You glared at him, this time. "That is something you should never ask a lady."  He turned his head to other way, "if your not coming, I'm leaving you here" then left the room.  You sighed as you lifted your body off the ground and dragged yourself to the school gates. 

You didn't see Teru Nii so he must've left you on your own.  As you got closer to the gates, a hand pulled you back and you started cursing mentally.  "I caught you~!" You heard a familiar voice say.  "Did you think you can escape the duel?"  Hanako asked, eyeing you.  "As if!  I gotta go home now, bye" you said sternly and let your hand go from his grip.  "Aw, we can't have that now, can we?" He said, leaning closer to you.

"Ok what is your problem, harassing girls like me because you think you have the advantage?" Your tone changed.  "Aw, lucky you... I didn't bring my staff today" you said, looking at him sincerely.  Or at least, it looked sincere.  He knew that deep into those E/C colored eyes, you wanted to strangle him; Give him the worst possible punishment in the world. He shivered at the thought of it.

"When do you want to have the duel?" You asked. "... maybe not today" then he started floating away. You sighed. Something was going on in your mind and you knew it. As you trudged home, you found the button that always avoided. There it was, the button you hated. You never wanted this to end, but you could always come back tomorrow...

"I don't want to..." you said. You stopped, and finally decided that it was best to leave, then resume again. 

𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁i̶n̺͆u͟𝗲 𝗚ᗩ𝕞𝗲?̶ :


---> 🅽🅾︎


"Ah..." you woke up on your bed, tears streaming down your cheeks.  "I don't want to go..." you sobbed quietly on your bed.  Suddenly, the door busted open, revealing a woman with an empty bottle of wine.  "Y/N!" She called.  "I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU MANY TIMES ALREADY" The woman screeched. 

"I'm sorry... mother..." you whispered under your breath, trembling.  "Gah, I'll get another bottle of wine" then the woman left.  "Why..." you started.  "Why can't... I be s-strong..." you got out of bed, and
                 ᕼᗴ𝔸𝔻 𝕊𝕖𝚝


and authors note!!!  Sorry if this was a short chapter!!!  I wanted to end it short so the reader knows that this is actually not your real life in Kamome High school (or whatever the school is called).  Yeah, the ending there got weird with the fonts because I just downloaded a fonts app but it kinda is weird.  Hope you like it and don't forget to vote!

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