Chapter 8

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Ok y'all should really check my board announcements so you know if I'm not publishing a chapter or see when I write dumb stuff lol.


"Y-you... y-ou guys a-are..." you stuttered. Stumbling over your words, you couldn't believe it. All the lies... every single one of them weren't real.  "W-what..?!" You said.  You didn't know what to say; you just backed up and tried to make a run. 

"Oh you're not going anywhere." The old man said, handing the knife to his wife.  "I can let you handle her.  Have some fun, dearie" he told Mrs. Langston.  She nodded and took the knife, chasing after you.  You ran through the hallway, the kitchen, the living room, and the garage.  She cornered you into the side of the garage, making it impossible to escape.  "P-please!" You pleaded. 

Her face softened, and she dropped the knife.  She headed towards you and hugged you.  "I-I can't do this..." she whispered.  Then she held your shoulders.  "I'm sorry I lied about all of this.  You must go and get your VR headset; it's on the fourth shelf." She told you.  "Wait but I thought you said it would tak-" "please, just RUN!" She cried.  You obliged and ran to the VR headset, and ran over to the front door.  You got out, and headed to your house, only to see a woman chained to the couch. 

That woman.  That woman...  the one who mistreated you.  The one who apparently lied to you.  The one who deserved to rot in hell. She was gagged, but a muffled 'help' came out of her mouth.  You wanted to help her.  You really did, but something was holding you back.  Vengeance?  Regret?  You could... lock the house and ignore her, playing games in your room, but you had to pity her. 

You inched a little closer to her, and then started unchaining her slowly.  Your mother took off the gag herself, and looked at you.  "Did you... did you find out the truth?" She asked you, almost breaking down.  "...yes" you responded with.  "I know I haven't been the best mother... and the part where I threw empty bottles at you was my own doing..." you heard her tell you.  "But the rest was because of them..." she blamed the rickety neighbors. 

"I'm sorry, but I can't take care of you any longer." She said, firmly grasping your shoulders.  "W-what do you m-mean...?" You asked.  Your spine shivered, trying to figure out what she was thinking.  "I'm sending you to the orphanage".

The orphanage?  So I'm father and motherless?  You dropped your VR Headset, and stared at her.  You knew this day would come, but... not this soon...  big, fat tears pricked your eyes, and started dripping on the floor.  "Why?"  You asked.  "Why?  Because I can't take care of you.  Only one can survive in this household and that is me" she said sternly. 'Me'...



'Me' ?!?!

How could she abandon you like that?! She thinks that I would be a 'hassle'? I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!

Nothing gave you real happiness. It had to be a lie. It had to be fake. Turned out luck was never on your side, and you knew it. You knew all of it. The dirty tricks to the countless deaths that you had witnessed, and bottled up in your brain somewhere. There was nothing to hide from; not to run from. There was nothing left for you, and you respected that... because what else can you respect...?

You turned to the door, and there awaited three cops ready to take you to the orphanage. "*Sighs* I'm... ready I guess." You told them, grabbing your VR Headset. They nodded back, and took you into a truck with many other children who were also going to the orphanage.


You were dropped off at the building entrance, and was pushed into a room due to a lot of kids shoving each other around.  A girl came up to me and literally just smacked my face;  "What the hell is your problem?!" You yell at her. "You tripped me without saying sorry!" She yelled back. "Well SORRY if I didn't see you there because kids were also shoving me!" You yelled again. She huffed, and then STEPPED on your shoe! Who does she think she is?!

You angrily stomped to a group of kids who look like they know what they are doing and tried asking for help.  "Hey, are you new?" A kid asked.  It was a boy, maybe a year younger than you, and he had dirty blonde hair.  "Oh... yeah, I just came here" you responded.  "Ok, so these are my friends, and we're experts at the orphanage!" He told you.  "I'm Blake, Anamito Blake!" He said.  "So are you half Japanese...?" You asked Anamito Kun.  "Yeah, but I was born here, so don't think I need help with Japanese or something."

Anamito Kun then pointed to his friends.  "This girl right here is our book smart, book worm.  Her name is-"JOHN CE-sorry I cant risk getting sued so...

"Her name is Rin Mei".  A girl with a navy dull blue hair color tied into space buns, waved at you, maybe a few months younger than you, started pointing the 爪|ᗪᦔꪶꫀ ቻጎክᧁꫀ尺 at you. It seemed that no one else noticed so you shrugged it off, but you were still mad about what was happening today. I swear God is going to pour out all of my bad luck on me today... you prayed to the sky, hoping things can't get any worse.

"This guy here is Akemi Jiro." Anamito Kun pointed to a guy with hair that looked almost black, tied into a braid. He was maybe 2 years older than you, and he didn't even look up to see you. His eyes stayed in contact with his phone, which offended you very much. Anamito Kun noticed this and tried to do something about it. "Er... Jiro San, why don't we say at least a 'hello' to.... erm..." Anamito tried talking to Akemi Kaicho. "Oh yeah I didn't get your name earlier noobie!" Anamito said to you.

D-did he just call me a n-noobie...? How did this day get worse? Anyways you had to answer the question or else you would seem rude. "I'm L/N Y/N, a sophomore." You told them. "Ok Y/N San, we are gonna have so much fun together!" Anamito yelled to the team. Darn, he's already at first name basis, you thought as he pulled the group together.

Then Rin Chan grabbed your arm. "There are some things that you'll need to learn, and I'll only tell you the first one: don't go near Akemi Isao." She told you. "W-what? Who's that..?" You asked her. "He's our enemy, and he can do evil things, even behind the orphanage's back. Im telling you this now, because you'll get kicked out of the group if we find out you are talking with him like a friend." Rin Chan sneered at the word friend.

"W-wait a minute..." you said. "Isn't Akemi the same surname Jiro has?" You asked. "Ugh, so nosy. Yes! He's evil, and a year older than Jiro San! So that means he is stronger since he's older than all of us!" Rin Chan yelled at you. "Well what about the other rules?" You asked her. "I said I was only telling you the first one, so ask the others."




Hey guys! Sorry for not posting a chapter for a week or 2! I needed a break, but I finally got something to post up! Lol, you guys should look at my board to see if I am not posting a chapter, but sorry if this was shorter than usual, and see ya next time!

I feel so proud, I double checked and there barely were grammar mistakes ✔︎✔︎✔︎ ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎✔︎✔︎✔︎

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