Chapter 6

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You had dreamed of Hanako San. Or maybe your brain was just messing with you... getting out of bed, you froze. Can I actually survive this? You questioned yourself for making such a dumb move. You could've stayed with Mrs. Langston, but for some reason you were dumb enough to think that your mom would actually care about you.  You looked across your bedroom to your your window. 

Maybe if I could just... you walked towards the window and opened it.  Maybe you were going to sneak out.  Maybe you were doing what was right.  But you weren't paying attention to what you were doing until your mother opened your door.

"Ah, my sweet dear" She said, walking into the room.  "Now, now Y/N" Your mother said, as she tried to pull you from the window.  "Let's have breakfast, now shall we?" She guided you to the dining area.  "I'm making breakfast right now, so please wait!" Your mother told you, as she headed into the kitchen.  This... this isn't normal... you shuddered at the thought of what she was up to.  Was she on drugs this whole time, but finally took some prescribed medicine? You wondered as you waited for your meal. 

She finally came back with two plates of pancakes.  "Sorry I'm late!" She apologized, and handed you over a plate.  It looked amazing!  Did she really make this, you asked yourself, as you dug into the food.  "Oh, I never told you that I can cook!" Your mother exclaimed.  "Finish up, and bring the other plate to the neighbors!" Your mother smiled.  "Why, though?" You asked in curiosity.

"I wanted to give them some gratitude!" Your mother responded.  She was probably playing some trick on you... you thought.  But... her smile and her actions looked so sincere... "ok..." you told her.  "Oh, I have to go to an interview in ten minutes!" Your mother said, rushing to the door.  "Have fun!" She told you, before she left.  She never said "I love you".  You sighed.  I guess she never will...

You walked in the kitchen, and found a post it note.  It read:


To do list:

-Clean your room

-Wash the dishes


After this you can relax!


__{time skip}__

After doing all the chores, you were exhausted.  Then you remembered to go to the neighbor's house!  You skipped next door, with a plate of pancakes. 

Ding dong!

The door opened up, and an elderly man around 70 years old appeared.  "Oh!  It's you, L/N Chan!" The man exclaimed. "Hello!" You greeted him back. "Well.. what happened?" He asked you. He knew about the fights and the abuse happening there, but he wasn't strong enough to call the police. He'd probably be dead before the police would come, anyways. "Well... mother was acting strange and asked me if you would like some pancakes she made..." you answered. "I... I think it's a trap..." he told you. "Huh?".

"Do come in!" He insisted. "...ok" you replied, and he had a serious face. "Does she know about your job with Mrs. Langston?" He asks you. "No." You reply. "Ok, good..." he says. "Wait, why are you asking?" You asked. "Well, if you were found out... your mother would explode!" The man told you. "Explode...?" "Yes! That's because her and Mrs. Langston are not on good terms!" He cried. You sighed in relief, knowing that you never told her about Mrs. Langston.

"So, about the pancakes..." you change the topic. "Oh... I don't think you should eat those..." he told you. "Wait what? But I already did" you said. His face turned terrified. He ran into his kitchen, searching for medication herbs. "I-is something wrong...?" You asked him, frightened. "Where is it?!" You heard him tell, as he searched for a certain herb.

Then you suddenly stopped breathing.  You didn't know how to breathe anymore. You start to feel dizzy, and a headache forms around you. Falling to the floor, you let out a groan. "P-poison...?" You muttered.  Trying to breathe, you used the last of your energy.

Your vision blurred, leaving you in darkness.

What... what happened? You remembered you had just fainted earlier, but where were you now? It was no where familiar. You were in a small room, with barely anything in it...  this is just a side affect of the poison... right?  I'm pretty sure I'm just hallucinating! You reassured yourself.  You walk towards a wall, touching it, trying to see if there was maybe a secret passage? 

"Ah, I'm so stupid!" You scolded yourself.  "Those only work in movies-" you had opened up a wall (by accident) and a hallway appeared in front of you.  "Ok... maybe I am in a movie!" You said, walking in the hallway.  Ok, this totally isn't suspicious... then you come across the old man who still looked like he was in his 70's. "Hi, L/N Chan!" He greeted you. "Are you... just a Dream?" You asked him. "Well, that's for you to decide."


"I'm sorry" he told you. "...for what...?" You asked him. "He came and whispered in your ear. "Just... wake up."

Opening your eyes, you felt a little better. You did feel nauseous, though. A bit dizzy, you made your way to a couch, and sat on it. "Y/N?!" The old man ran to you. "I was so worried! You were poisoned!" He shouted. "Good thing I gave you the herb on time..." he murmured. So mom tried to poison me...

"You can stay here with me..." the man said. "Are you sure?" You asked. "What if... my mom comes back?" You asked. "I'll go ask your mom, then." He stated.  "...ok..." you responded.  He then left, probably trying to get permission to stay over.  Waiting for hours, being bored, he finally came back, with a smile on his face. 

"You can stay the night" he said to you.  You gleefully jumped out of the chair.  "And my wife is coming home tomorrow!" He told you.  He looked really happy, and so were you.  You were supposed to feel the wrath-  wait... that's not right...  This isn't right... today I was supposed to face mom because we made a bet...  and she suddenly changed... don't tell me she has another plan up her sleeve! 

You immediately sat back down.  "Hey... I think my mother is planning another trap..." you told the old man.  "So can I stay for 2 days instead...?" You asked him.  "Of course!"  He replied.  "My wife would love to see you".  You stayed calm, and relaxed for a bit.

This was the first time things were fun... the first time you liked reality.  

Maybe your mother really has changed...

...Maybe you don't need that stupid game of yours anymore.


Hey guys!  What did you think of this chapter?  It's longer than the last one, so I hope you enjoyed!

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