Chapter 7

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Maybe I don't need that stupid little game anymore.

Maybe, I was just being spoiled and not everything can be luxury.


This was how it was meant to be.


You pulled the sheets and covered yourself. "Good night, L/N Chan", the old man said to you. "You too!" You replied. He shut the door close. Closing your eyes, you tried to sleep, but somehow couldn't. Squirming in bed, you sat up, and thoughts flooded your mind.

Is mom... really planning something? Or is she actually changing herself... that was the biggest thought that clouded your mind. But then again, there were other thoughts. Who is my neighbor's wife? She must be a nice old lady... then more thoughts led to more thoughts that led to questions. It must be nice being in love... you wished you and your mother were like the others. You wished you did girl talks, hugs, and importantly, ... you hoped that she would love you.

You just wanted to be loved. But how would it feel like to be in love? Is it like the cliche "oh, that boy made me blush, my legs are jello" that kind of stuff? Did it make your heart flutter? Is that how it works? Maybe thinking was what got you tired. You soon, rubbed your eyes, and they couldn't keep open anymore.

"Y/N, are you ok?!"

"Y/N San?"

"Y/N Chan?"

"Y/N senpai?"


"Minamoto San?"


Minamoto San? Wasn't that... your in game name? You couldn't move, open your eyes, or even talk. Did something happen? Are you paralyzed? Another dream? That can't possibly be true... you felt actual pain. Like from real life. You were so confused... everything was going so well! It happened like a movie. Just like a movie.

It felt like hours have past, or maybe even days at that since you felt the pain, but of course you knew it was your imagination and only a couple of minutes have went by. You couldn't move and see, so it was difficult to see or know what had happened to you. Calm down, this is probably just a dream! Yup just a dream! You reassured yourself.

Then you heard it.

"Is that exorcist girl?!"

Everything stopped. That voice... is so... familiar. Who is it? Who can it be... you couldn't think straight anymore, and your body feels numb. Numb...? Wasn't it always numb from the beginning? Did you not notice it yet? What is happening...? Questions swirled your mind. Once again, you didn't know what had happened to you. You didn't know why they called you by your game name. You didn't know why you could move, talk, or see. You didn't know anything, and felt useless.

Useless was a word that you thought... represented you a lot. But of course everyone can't be perfect. That's because we are people. Not machines. Not robots. But someone had tampered with your body and made you helpless. Who could've done this?! Your blood boiled as your body slowly trembled with the anger. You could... still move. It's just hard because you can't see nor talk. But in all seriousness, why were you paralyzed in the first place.

Of course, though, you would eventually wake up... maybe... suddenly your eyes opened up. You panted, catching for your breath, and you felt like you were let out of someone's grasp. You still couldn't... exactly move, but you can see and breathe. Your eyes swirled the place, trying to see what or who is here. Then... a figure right next to you took something out of your arm. A needle? The person smiled at you but then fled the scene. You couldn't believe it! You saw locks of H/C hair sway out of your sight. H/C locks that were similar to yours'.

Someone who you have served for a long time... "t...traitor..." you muttered as you gritted your teeth.


It was daytime, as you could tell because of the sunlight that shone upon you. You heard the man coming up to your bedroom. "L/N Chan, good morning!" He greeted you with a smile. "Um... I'm paralyzed..." you whispered out. He was shocked for a moment, then asked you some questions. "Ok, so who did this?" He asked you. "My mother..." you responded. "What did she do?" "She tranquilized me." "How long was she there?" "... when I had a dream, and after I woke up but then she left".

Then something struck you. "Um... mister... how did you know... that a person did this in the first place?" You asked him. "Because you said it was your mothe-" "no. You asked who did this, and I never said anything about anyone." You cut him off. He started laughing. "You-! You think I was just some lousy neighbor, didn't you?" He asked you. You didn't respond. "Gosh, your mother was always such a soft girl... she even said sorry for what will happen." He told you. "W-what...?" You questioned, as you lay still on your bed.

"Well, my wife is home. I would like you to meet her" he said, and the door opened slightly to a woman around old age. Someone familiar. "M-Mrs. Langston?!" You cried out."Hello Y/N San..." she said to you. "Mrs. Langston... why is your husband being so... weird?" You asked her. No response. Suddenly, Mrs. Langston pulled out a knife, and gave it to "Mr. Langston". "I- what's going on?!" You questioned them. "Why are you trying to murder me?!" You yelled. "And what do you mean about my mother saying sorry?!"

The old man laughed again. "You didn't get the message she was trying to tell you?" He chuckled at your oblivion. Well... she was acting strange... then it hit you. Those words she had bolded out was the message...

[Flashback to all the readers who didn't see the secret message from last chapter:]

"Ah, my sweet dear"

"Now, now Y/N"

"I'm making breakfast right now, so please wait!"

"Sorry I'm late!"

"Oh, I never told you that I can cook!"

"I wanted to give them some gratitude!"

"Oh, I have to go to an interview in ten minutes!"

To do list:

-Clean your room

-Wash the dishes


After this you can relax!


If you put together the puzzle... it says: Dear Y/N, I'm sorry that I have to do this

What does that mean...?

But that can't be your latest concern right now, because your neighbor and the workshop owner are apparently married and are going to kill you.

"Who... are you...?!" You asked them. "Oh... you know us as the "neighbors and the workshop lady", but we are best known as...

The rickety neighbors..."


Hey guys! I had pressure on me that my book would get boring if I didn't publish it fast enough so here we are- anyways, I couldn't exactly capture what I wanted in the chapter but it was close enough. {What am I saying; I don't even know what I'm doing?!-} :P

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