Chapter 10

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"I know you aren't from this world."


That was the thing that creeped her out. This was... just a single player game... right? Wait, this is just a game... it's a video game... m-maybe something was wrong? What happened? Is this part of the game? You couldn't answer this question.  Being nervous, you made a run for it.

"W-where do I go now?" You panted, trying to catch your breathe.  "That was scary..." you whispered, walking in a random direction. Then suddenly, Hanako San popped up out of nowhere. "AAAAYYYYEEEEE-" you screamed, backing up. "Hush, hush, it's me" Hanako San said, trying to calm you down.

"W-what are you doing here?" You asked him.  "I told you that we were going to the kitchen, didn't I?" "Ooh yeaahhh...." you said. "Wait, we don't have a kitchen" you told him. "Isn't your baking class a giant kitchen?" He asked you. " aren't wrong I guess..." then sighed, as both you and Hanako San proceeded to walk toward the classroom.

"What are we even doing here?" You sigh, as you plopped yourself on a stool chair.  "We're going to make donuts!" Hanako San exclaims, jumping in the air.  "...donuts?" You questioned.  To be honest, you've never heard of a donut before.  There wasn't any in the stores, and you had no idea what it looks like, tastes like, nor feels like.  "Uhh..." you whispered under your breath, not wanting to let them hear you.  Of course you won't ask them what a donut is because you don't want to embarrass yourself any further but it was a stupid idea, though.

"...sooooo, let's get on with baking!" You exclaimed, sweating on the fact that you still don't know what a donut is.  "Ok Y/N, do you know how to bake donuts?" Kou asked you.  "Uhh... I uh.. mayb- um... well-" "it's ok if you don- "yES???!  I mean no?" You shouted.  Gosh!  Why did I say that...  uGh now they'll know... you thought, as you mentally facepalmed.

"Ok then... Y/N, you can put the frosting on, sound good?" Kou asked you. "Uh, ok.."

Baking was actually fun, but everything got a bit messy.  Flour and sugar were spilt on the floor, the dough was too sticky and was stuck on the counter, and the frosting wouldn't come out of the bag.  "Um, what are we going to do now?" You asked.  You knew if a teacher saw you and Kou in here, they would scold you, and possibly get detention which can lead to a call with the Minamoto parents!  And oh boy, you were NOT letting that happen. 

"Kou, let's clean up, Hanako San, stay there, and we can deal with donuts on another day." You told them, dominating them. 

"Aw- but Y/N- "Are you trying to talk back?"

"N-no, s-sorry Y/N..." Hanako shivered, as you coldly glared at him.

"And don't call me Y/N." You told him. "Ok then, Y/N Chan!" He replied with, making you even more irritated. "And don't call me 'Chan', I'm older than you." "Well chronically speaking- "do I look like I care???" You cut him off. You don't know why, but there was this sense of victory that you felt every time you scared Hanako San and it made you even more sadistic.

"Ok Kou, you'll clean the counters and oven; I'll clean the floor." You told Kou, and him nodding in agreement. You then went out to get a mop, along with other cleaning supplies when you suddenly ran into this... dude.

"Uh, I'm sorry about that" you apologized to him, bowing down slightly. "Oh, no worries, cutie!" He smirked. ...why do I have bad vibes about this guy... you thought, until he gives you a hand to stand up. Or maybe I should stop judging a book by it's cover, you thought as you changed your mind. You reached for his hand, trying to stand up, but failing, as you remembered you got a really bad scrape on somewhere near your knee, and something got your leg (probably from real life).  "A-ah-" you mumbled a bit, cringe by the pain.  Who knew VR games would feel this real...

Suddenly, you were lifted into the air, Princess style, by the unknown man.  "E-excuse me but um fine on my own..!" You squeaked.  You weren't good at handling gentlemen, and this man here reminded you of your old fiancée.  Not by looks or anything, but the way he acted seems so.  "Oh?  But it looked like you needed a little help, Princess" he purred.  Ok never mind that, he seems like a playboy or a pervert.  "Well, would you kindly telling me your name?" You asked him.  "Oh of course!" He said, as he put you down and back on your feet.

"My name is Hyuuga Natsuhiko, a second year."  He introduced himself, bowing down.  "Well, it was nice knowing you I guess, but I have things to do." You told him, walking away.  "Ok, see you next time, Y/N Chan!" He yelled to you.  You waved farewell to him, realizing something.

He's probably one of those simps who already have a girl they simp on forever-

Anyways, heading back to the kitchen, you found everything neatly cleaned already.  "Did they... clean it all up already?" You wondered, making your way to an opened cook book.  A post it note was stuck onto a page, reading out:

    𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙬𝙚 𝙘𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙪𝙥 𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮. 𝙒𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙪𝙥 𝙔𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙬

Sighing, you sat on the kitchen counter, wondering what you should do now.  It had already been at least 2 hours into the game, but you didn't know if you should take a break or rot your eyes out.

You stayed on that counter for maybe about an hour, doing nothing, but sighs every now and then.

Your vision suddenly saw the orphanage back again. "Huh..?" You whispered, looking around. One of the caretakers had swiped the game set out of your grasp, turning you pale. "W-wait, please don't confiscate it!" You pleaded. The caretaker, a middle aged woman, massaged her temple, focusing on you.

"Sorry, but it's time for bed, and this is clearly distracting you." The woman told you. "Bu- "Also, you wake up at 7:30 am for breakfast, and 8:30 you'll be in your classroom." C-classroom?!

That word really freaked you out.

Tiptoeing to your assigned dormitory, you were sweating a bit. You were really anxious about school, and you thought- nonono, that won't happen... you reassured yourself. Maybe this is different.

No one knows me.

And they don't need to know.

Hi guys! I'm back, and so sorry for the long break! I'm not on a schedule anymore, so I don't think chapters will come out weekly anymore, and I'm sorry that the chapter was cringe because I haven't written something in a while so it became trash :(

I also don't have many ideas on this book, but I really want to finish this. I'll only abandon it when I'm really unmotivated, and when nobody will read it anymore. Please put ideas, please :)

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