Episode 2

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Mark, Harris and Ryan were in the hospital area doing who knows what and I was working on a couple fighting positions in the control room. I was practicing on a dummy (not Spyder. I asked him and he refused) and was working on my overall balance and skill. That's when I heard a crash. I ran to go investigate and saw Spyder with the micro thruster.

"That better not be the micro thruster I just fixed." Mark scolded Spyder. I laughed under my breath. I then caught sight of Harris lying on the hospital bed.

"Wait, so you thought twice about bringing me on the team but you brought this train wreck." Mark yelled at Ryan.

"Back off Mark. Besides, Spyder's not a train wreck. He's more like a train-wrecker, which isn't exactly much better, but its better!" I told Mark.

"i'm standing right here!" Spyder commented

"We know!" Both Mark and I said

"Besides, I can fix it. Remember that time I fixed my broken leg, huh?" Spyder asked us

"Ohhh. Were you that kid that tried to fix his broken leg in shop class, but ended up fainting and going to the hospital? Ver and I made fun of that kid for weeks. No offence!" I quickly added. Ver (pronounced like there but with a v instead of a th), short for Veracity was my best friend till this year. She went to Bay City East High instead.

"None taken. How 'bout I just take this." Spyder said grabbing it from Mark's hands. Harris started groaning

"You okay?" Spyder asked

"That depends, does he always look that zombie-like and dead? Cause if so, then yea he's totally fine." I replied sarcastically, "during the fight when you guys thought we were dead, Harris got monster ooze all over him. None got on me, but the ooze is infecting him."

"If I had a sample of that substance-" Harris began, before I cut him off.

"You could reverse engineer an antidote! And if we can fine an antidote, we can use it on future monsters to incapacitate the monster, making it easier to destroy!" I finished happily

"We could get a sample of that ooze and use Mech X4 as bait." Ryan said

"Or we could use that glowy orb thingy from the fight." Spyder said

"Excuse my French but what the fuck? Why wouldn't you tell any of us." I scolded, "The orb could be the thing powering the monsters. Better question, how did you notice this?!"

We played back the video and saw the tiny orb thing.

"How... what... I analyzed every part of that video with my super vision and saw nothing. Then again, I analyzed it at 4 am in the morning after pulling an all nighter so that could affect it." I muttered

"You didn't mention this why?" Mark asked

"I did mention it, just now. That counts, right?"
"NO!" The rest of us shouted.

"we have to find that heart thingy. It exploded in the direction of the forest, so we just have to look there. No biggie." I commented, "Well let's take the robot and go."

"We're not taking the robot, we're walking there." Ryan said. I nodded. Why am I so afraid of the woods you ask? Well I'll tell you why. Basically when I was seven, I saw this monster thing in the woods. My dad and I were camping and I saw a ghost like thing. I went to investigate but felt a breeze of cold wind, and I heard a voice. The voice said never come back, and after my experience, I never stepped foot in those woods, after that.

*Time skip*

We were walking through the woods when I heard a raven caw. I jumped a little.

"You okay?" Ryan asked me. I steeled myself and nodded. I inhaled deeply and exhaled. I heard a crunch behind me. I may or may not have jumped into Spyder's arms. They all looked at me weirdly.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem scared." Ryan commented.

"Yea I'm fine. Bad experience in the woods, that's all. Let's just find that heart and get the hell out of here." I said shaking a tiny bit. I took another deep breath. And that's when I noticed the monster heart. We approached it slowly and Harris grabbed it. I heard another crunch behind me and whipped around, paranoid it was the voice. This is an irrational fear, Liz. Control it. There's nothing to be scared of. There's nothing to be scared of. I kept repeating that phrase under my breath the whole way back to Mech X4. When we approached the robot I basically ran inside.

"Mud, dirt, twigs, but the residual goop is all dried out! Useless." Harris shouted

"Hey, Harris, don't worry about it." Spyder said.

"Yea, we'll find more." I said adding on.

"We wouldn't have to, if we'd gotten to you when you saw it. You know could you not be you and try helping JuST onCe!" Harris shouted at Spyder.

"I can help. I'm just gonna fix this rocket thruster and if you need me-" Spyder started, dejectedly.
"We won't, GO!" Harris shouted. Spyder left the robot.

"What the actual hell Harris?!" I was freakin pissed at Harris. I know it was just the monster goop but still!

"What did I just say? And why is Lizzy so mad?" Harris asked.

"Exactly what we were all thinking, and don't worry, Liz is just overreacting." Mark said. Ryan hit him in the chest and I scoffed. Harris was doing some weird thing with the heart. I knew where the ooze was, and I didn't tell them out of spite. I get it, I'm being a petty bitch, but at the point I really don't care. It was in a volcano. I took out the journal I found and started reading, when Harris said he knew where the ooze was.
"So let's gooo then." I said pretty annoyed. We approached the volcano filled with ooze and I grinned. Ryan opened the robot's hand but before we could grab a sample of the ooze, the volcano blew and sent us into the ooze along with the rest of Mech X4. We were trapped underneath. The opening was covered with rocks.

"Try and contact Spyder! As much as I hate to say this, he's our only hope!" I said slightly panicking, "How much oxygen do we have?"

"We have 17 minutes of oxygen!" Mark said. And that's when I noticed Harris was gone. Ryan and Mark started bickering.

"Okay SHUT IT!" I screamed.

"Ryan, text Spyder. Find a signal do something! My suit has an underwater mode, I can try and bust out of here." I told Ryan

"No it's do dangerous. I won't let you." Ryan said. Mark went down to catch Harris. I started looking in the journal to see if I could handle it. Turn's out the water defence part wasn't finished. So no.

"So we're stuck here? Oxygen's running out. Look you go search for Harris, maybe stop him! I'll stay up here and monitor oxygen!" Ryan left and I tried seeing if I could do anything to the computer. We were down to 5 minutes of oxygen and I was praying Spyder would come rescue us. Come on Spyder. Ryan and Mark set Harris down. Mark was talking to Ryan and I was slowly losing breath. I was struggling to breath and I felt really light-headed. I was slowly losing consciousness and I lost myself. I vaguely heard Ryan and Mark shouting and I couldn't breath anymore. I lost my consciousness and passed out.

I suddenly inhaled and realized we survived.

"Ryan, Mark, pass the ooze, I can make the antidote." I told them. I still felt slightly lightheaded but I shook it off, it was probably just my asthma. I finished reverse engineering the antidote when Spyder came in. I waved at him before giving the antidote to Harris. I was struggling to breathe, god damnit. My asthma must be acting up again. Spyder, Harris, Ryan and Mark were talking and I interrupted.

"Hey Harris," I coughed a little and continued, "do we have like an asthmatic inhaler thingy. The lack of oxygen from when we were down in the ooze is slightly affecting me."

"No, sorry." Harris responded. I doubled over coughing, and then nodded.

"eh, it's cool, I think I have a spare one in my room." I said before leaving. When I came back up, the guys were all smiling and laughing. They were sitting on the couch playing a video game. I rolled my eyes, grabbed a book and went to go join them. 

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