Episode 14

643 13 13

I was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of being injured, tired of not being good enough, tired of fighting my dad, tired of just everything. Obviously I couldn't voice any of these thoughts because we were approaching our final battle. Ryan groaned in pain and my shoulder felt like it was burning up. The fighter jets were still following us.

"I believe the let's run away plan isn't working!" Harris exclaimed

"Well no shit!" I snapped back at him

"We need a new tactic!" Harris said

"Oh oh oh. Okay, how 'bout this plan. I get into an escape pod and eject." Spyder said

"Thanks for being so selfless." I remarked. We were hit again and I was thrown to the side. I got up and ran back to my monitors.

"And our shields are dead. Might as well give up now and surrender." I said, defeatedly.

"NO! What has gotten into you. We'll give up over my dead body." Ryan told me

"We very well may have to!" I retorted

"Harris, try the new project." Ryan said.

"It isn't ready, I haven't tested it!" Harris said in a rush.

"WHatever you two are doing, just FINISH IT!" I yelled at them. Harris pressed a button and we turned invisible. I breathed a sigh of relief and slumped down in my chair.

"Didn't expect the robot to hologram up, did ya. So ya best ghost." Harris said, triumphantly.

"Look, we need to put out the fires around the robot so I don't feel like I'm burning in an oven. Someone can go on foot to rescue Ryan and mark's mom. I'm gonna stay here and contact Leo so we can run repair cycles." I explained to them.

"I'll go rescue mom." Mark said

"Take Harris. He knows the layout better than anyone, including me. You'll need him." I told Mark.

"But! I! He! We! Ugghhhh!" He protested before giving up, knowing I wasn't gonna relent.

"I'm going too!" Ryan said.

"IF the hologram glitches out and you're gone, we're sitting ducks for the military." I told him

"But you can control the robot." Ryan argued

"I can, but I can't use the weapons and our only option would be to run away, which isn't efficient at all!" I told Ryan. I quickly sent a text to Leo asking him to come to the robot and sent him our coordinates. Mark and Harris left.

"Let's go check the damage reports." Ryan said. I opened up the reports on my computer, it started beeping and turned red. Upon further inspection, there was a missile lodged in the side of the robot which explained the feeling in my stomach.

"Oh no!" I muttered and we all went to find the missile.

"So one of the missiles hit, pierced the hull but didn't explode." Ryan said

"yes. And if it explodes inside the robot, my body will mimic that feeling, potentially causing me to explode in the process. And we'd all die." I added on that last part.

"Oh. That's so sad, it didn't fulfil it's destiny." Spyder murmured, reaching out to touch it. I slapped his hand away.

"Let's keep it that way." Ryan said. Then the elevator doors opened and Leo stepped out.

"Why would I design an elevator that gives me the dizzies. So what the emerGENCY!" Leo yelped, looking at the missile, "Man did I come to the wrong party." Leo muttered

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now