Episode 9

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Harris and I were examining Spyder. He had done something to his shoulder

"Spyder, you really need to stop being so reckless. Why on earth would you do a double somersault of Harris's lab bench?" I asked, exasperated.

"I was dared to do it. By me. And I don't take that from anybody." He said, throwing his arms up in the air and then wincing.

"Harris has the Harper Grant to work on and I'm still analyzing the note. We don't have time for this." I said

"Look I keep telling you, invent self-repairing underwear." Spyder said. I wrinkled my nose at that.

"If you invent that for the scholarship, I will personally make sure you don't move on to the next round of the Harper Grant." I told Harris

"Look, if you wanna impress Seth Harper, you have to do something daring. He's a maverick, an adventurer, like me." Spyder said

"If I recall correctly, my dad hates you and Harris, you also have to impress a panel of judges and me, for the Harper Grant." I said.

"Whatever. Dude, you should embrace your inner Spyder. Be more like me."

"One Spyder is more than enough to handle. Please don't." I said. Spyder glared at me and I gave him a fake smile

"The effects of an illogical thought process on a logical mind. Interesting." Harris said.

"I give up. You can have fun 'embracing your inner Spyder' and I will continue analyzing the note." I said. I started looking at the note and scanning it over when Ryan came in.

"Any luck?" He asked me. Then the device beeped.

"Yes actually. We got a match!" I exclaimed.

"Who is it?" Ryan asked

"Leo Mendel. Woah, he did some pretty bad stuff. His last known address was 2810 Foothill Road." I said, "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

We all got into Mark's car, I was squished between Spyder and Harris. Being the smallest of the group meant I was squished in the middle seat. When we finally got out of the car, there was an empty lot.

"There's probably hologram technology hiding it, like Mech X4." I said, stepping under the gate and into the lot. I bumped into something invisible and started feeling along it for a door.

"Found it!" I exclaimed. I opened the door, for the others and stepped inside. There was a giant robot. Spyder tossed us flashlights and I turned mine on.

"Let's go inside!" I said, excitedly

"I don't think that's a good idea." Harris said

"Who made you in charge?" I asked and stepped inside the robot. It looked exactly like Mech X4 but there was no area for a technopath. Ryan and Mark were arguing, and Mark pulled a lever.

"Hi there. Welcome to Mech X3" A voice yelled. The guys screamed and I kicked in the area where the voice was coming from, my foot making contact with nothing and causing me to fall. I groaned and got back up.

"Leo?" Ryan asked

"Please hold still while I eliminate you." The voice said

"Yea right." I muttered. I bunch of drones came out of nowhere and I blasted two of them to smithereens.

"Thanks." Ryan said. I just shrugged and prepared to blast more drones

"Not nice! Has anyone ever told you you're very rude and don't listen?" The voice asked

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now