Episode 4

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I was fully walking again. My ankle had healed and I was all good. We were just doing random repairs. Spyder was helping me with some electrical work and he accidentally shocked himself. Everyone was talking to Ryan at once and I noticed he was getting kinda mad. Like y'know that feeling when everyone's talking at once and you can't hear yourself think.

"EVERYONE SHUT IT!" I yelled, "You okay Ryan?"

"Yea, no, I don't know. I just have all these people depending on me and I've been having all these flashbacks. I have to go from 0 to kicking monster butt in like 6 seconds." Ryan said

"So you're feeling pressure?" I asked

"When that happens to me, I do something just for me. Like this weekend, DJ LiveRats is playing." Mark commented

"You have tickets to that?" Spyder asked incredulously

"Obviously not. He's 'Mark Walker' he thinks everything is just handed to him on a silver platter." I muttered. Mark glared at me and I glared back. Mark made a phone call and left.

"You know, there's this skate competition. I'm gonna enter, and you should too." I said

"I don't know with all the monsters and conspiracies around Mech X4..." Ryan trailed off

"We all do things to relax. I invent, Mark hangs out, Lizzy-" I cut Harris off

"I read and write music, and Spyder..." I trailed off

"I plan weddings. Terrible, terrible weddings." Spyder said. I looked at him curiously. He just shrugged.

"Wait, you write music?" Harris asked

"yea, but none of its good. It's more like, I have lyric ideas and I write them down." I shrugged.

"You skate, so skate son!" Harris said.

Harris held up an iPad showing a kid doing some pretty complicated tricks.

"That's the trick you've gotta beat? No offence, Ryan, but you're doomed." I said pessimistically. Ryan glared at me and I rolled my eyes, "hey, I'm just keeping things in perspective, plus, I've entered too."

"That's Jimmy Wilson, the winner of the Bay City Skate-off 6 years running." Ryan said

"He's good. Like really really good." Spyder said

"Try the trick again." Harris told Ryan.

"Here, I'll demonstrate as best as I can." I muttered. I grabbed my skateboard/hoverboard hybrid and executed the trick flawlessly. Then I skated back around and stopped by the three guys, "Once you figure out the acceleration and your velocity as well as all your angles, it's really easy to execute." I told Ryan. He looked at me confused, "It's math." I muttered.

"Alright, you're gonna hit that rail," Spyder said pointing and lifting his iPad, "ready Ry-guy."

"Oh you guys have cute nicknames for each other, isn't that sweet." I muttered sarcastically, "YOU GOT THIS RYAN." I cheered. Ryan started skating and fell. His skateboard crashed into something, that opened up a compartment. I ran towards the compartment, accidentally trampling Ryan with my high-heel ankle boots. I looked inside the compartment and I saw 3 pairs of round disk thingies. I also saw two belts. One was silver and blue with an X. The other was a beautiful gold and black fashion statement. The others crowded around me. Harris used his phone to scan the things.

"Gravity pucks, and a bounce belt?" Harris said, confused.

"Okay, well you guys can obviously tell the black and gold one is mine. It compliments my outfit as for the gravity pucks, there are 3 pairs, I will take one." I said grabbing a pair of gravity pucks and fastening the bounce belt around my waist. Spyder grabbed the other bounce belt and Ryan and Harris grabbed a pair of gravity pucks. There was a tiny gold button on the tip of my belt that looked like an accessory. If you can tell it's a button, you're too close. I pressed the button and Harris, Ryan and Spyder went flying back. I attached the gravity pucks to my shoes and I hovered in the air. Then Spyder tripped and fell into a hole. He started laughing and said he was fine.

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