Episode 12

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(Okay, so for this episode, the product launch is gonna be the same day, just pretend everything works out, its just easier to write with that timeline.)

"It was Harper. It was Harper behind the monsters the whole time!" Ryan yelled. We were all crowded around a computer.

"And you," He said, pointing at me, "how do we know you're not working for him." Ryan asked me. I was frankly a bit hurt and offended.

"He's sent monsters to kill me too. Do a bunch of truth tests, hook me up to a lie detector and you'll receive the same answer: I am not working for my dad." I told them. Then we heard coughing behind us.

"Ryan, Elizabeth." Leo called out

"Take it easy, you're not 100% yet." Harris said

"I have so many questions about my powers and my birth parents." Ryan said

"And I promise I'll answer all of them but right now you two need to focus on defeating Seth Harper. Now that I'm gone, it won't be long before he makes his next move." Leo said

"How long are we talking?" Ryan asked

"Could be days, could be minutes." Leo said

"Minutes would be a disaster." I muttered.

"Hey Leo, quick question. Do you know who adopted Elizabeth?" Ryan asked. He's ratting me out to Leo. That piece of shit!

"Ryan, chill." Harris said. Thank you Harris!

"No. I made sure you were placed in the right family but Elizabeth. Early on, she showed no signs of powers. The visions would come to her if she did have powers and evidently she does, but I wouldn't know who adopted her." Leo explained.

"Well, I do! Your captor adopted her. She's Seth Harper's daughter." Ryan said. Leo then got up and started trying to punch me. I blocked his punches but refused to go on offence.

"Leo! I'm not trying to hurt you," I dodged a punch, "I'm on your side!" I protested and blocked a kick. Leo sat back down and I breathed a sigh of relief. He then punched me in the nose and that hurt.

"Ha HA!" Leo said, victoriously.

"OW!" I complained.

"You'll be fine." Leo said, brushing me off. I'm pretty sure my nose was bleeding and from the way it felt, potentially broken. Spyder grabbed me an ice pack and a couple tissues.

"Let's go to Harper Futuristics and put and end to this guy." Mark said

"We can't. I've been meaning to tell you this earlier today but Ryan started yelling about Seth Harper. Yesterday, after our water escapade thingy, I was snooping in my dad's files and found a couple notes on how many people he has and potential monster designs. I took a couple pictures. Point is, he has people that will carry out his plan, even if he's dead." I said, my nose was still bleeding and the ice was doing nothing.

"Okay, so we get to the ooze before he does and destroy it." Ryan said

"And get him to stop dating your mom." Spyder said, "Was I the only one who thought of that?" He asked.

"So Leo, where's the ooze?" Mark asked

"Well, my dad will most likely have all the information in his head. You guys have fun with that and I'm gonna go get ready for my dad's product launch and figure out a fast way to stop the nosebleed." I said stiffly, walking away. I made it to my dad's product launch.

"Jessica has your dress ready. Go change." My dad told me, and then he noticed my appearance, "Um. Also, figure out a faster way to stop the nosebleed. Can't have you looking like you just came out of a fight." He said. I smiled and quickly walked over to Jessica who handed me my dress. I finally got my nosebleed to stop and quickly changed. I wrinkled my nose at the dress. I was wearing black heels and a skin tight business, yet prom-ish dress. The dress was black and stopped just above my knees. I started trying to make myself more comfortable in the dress when I saw the others.

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