Episode 7

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"HARRIS!" I yelled while climbing down the ladder with Mark.

"The X weapon almost burned us to death. I can resist heat for periods of time, but Mark almost died." I told him

"Oh no. That would have been such a bummer." Spyder said sarcastically. I hit him on the back of the head.

"She's over exaggerating. It almost burned my eyebrows off." Mark told Harris

"I didn't know it would overload your console. But now I do, soooooo yay?" Harris said. Then the elevator popped up.

"Oh, Ryan's back." I said grinning

"Why are you smiling so much?" Spyder asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders. Truth is, I've been thinking about what happened last night. Spyder, my crush, gave me a kiss on the forehead. It was probably just a brotherly 'night sis, luv u' sort of thing, but still.

"Guys don't panic." Ryan said before exiting the elevator. I noticed Grey behind him and got into a fighting stance. Then Grey walked out. I slowly walked up to her and in the blink of an eye, judo flipped her, grabbed the heels off my ankle boots, turning them into knives, and held them at her chin.

"Don't fucking move." I hissed at her.

"What did I say about not panicking." Ryan asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. I turned my knives back into heels and threw a punch at her. She caught that. I threw another punch at her, with my other hand. She caught that to and Judo Flipped me.

"Dam!" I muttered. I got up quickly and summoned a fireball, "Make one wrong move and you're dead." I told her.

"Harris, you've got good ideas, why don't you do something?" Spyder asked

"Was I the only one who heard Ryan say Don't Panic?" Harris asked

"No. I heard, but I didn't listen." I said, keeping my eyes on Principal Grey. The four boys converged at the back and Grey was about to follow

"How would you prefer your death? Fire or Ice because I'm cool with either." I told her. I created a cage of fire around her and went to meet with the guys.

"How can you trust her, Ryan?" I asked, pissed

"She can help us. Let her go!" Ryan told me

"I'll let her go if I wanna let her go!"

"I'm in charge."

"I was here first."

"I control the robot."

"Actually, you're not the only one. I can control the robot too. It's just exhausting and I'd rather have a turquoise and dark blue robot that a blue and yellow robot." I told him

"I hate you."
"No one's stopping you from leaving!"

"Maybe I will!"

"Do it! See if I care!"

"Ryan, Liz, get along. Liz, let Grey go, Ryan, listen to Liz more often. Just try not to fight too much" Mark said

"If you wanna leave, no one's stopping you." I told Ryan before taking down the cage surrounding Principal Grey, "You guys talk. I'm going to Amy's house."

"Can you set me up with her?" Spyder asked. I just shook my head and left.


"Hey Amy." I said

"Hey, are you okay. Your text said you needed a break from everything." She asked

"You know how I hang out with Spyder, Harris and Ryan," she nodded and motioned for me to come in.

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now