Episode 11

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"Since I won the Harper Grant," Spyder made a face, "I've been using their satellites to do a little re-con of Leo's location." Harris said

"And is there any way we can survive at the bottom of the ocean, or is it a lost cause?" I asked Harris

"With the tech from Mech X3 and the equipment from Harper's we should be able to add a sub-mode." Harris said.

"Yeah but, tell 'em Harris." Mark said

"We can't go below crush depth." Harris said

"Crush depth, awesome name for a band, calling it." Spyder said

"If you go below it, you'll get squished and die."

"Squished and die. First song we release." Spyder said again.

"Which is why I perfected the Mech-Links. Think of it as a little bit of Mech X4 on your wrist." Harris said, "For us, blue and black and for Liz, gold and black to blend in with her outfits." I grabbed the Mech-Link and put it on. A hologram of me popped out of my Mech-Link. Ryan discovered the force field and Harris talked about how we would be able to survive underwater for a limited time with the Mech-Link.

"This is amazing, Harris." I said, in awe.

"One question, how would I block three freshmen from calling me on this?" Mark asked

"Dude, there are four freshmen here." Spyder said

"Yea, but Liz isn't as annoying as the rest of you." He said.

"Best of all, I wouldn't have been able to perfect it without the Harper Grant." Harris said. Spyder groaned.

"Ever since you won the Harper Grant you never hang out with us anymore." Spyder complained

"that's not true." Harris said

"That's kinda true." Ryan said. Harris turned to Mark and I.

"I like it when you're not around." Mark said and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Look, let's just focus on getting Leo back. I want answers." Ryan said

"We just have to install a couple more things and I'm sure we'll be ready to go." I told Ryan, "Speaking of which, I'm gonna go help with the repairs."

"But you're a..." Mark trailed off

"What? A girl? I built several lasers and multiple satellites by the age of 12, I think I can handle a couple repairs." I said, walking off.


I told Spyder I could get him into Harper Futuristics to see Harris. Spyder poked at someone inside a giant plastic ball and I swatted his hand away. We walked into Harris's 'office'.

"Knock, knock." I said, boredly and entered

"Harris you live in a funhouse. I mean uh, it's no robot where you can hang out with friends." Spyder said

"What's the big emergency?" I asked

"I've been using the Harper satellites to scan the route to Leo's location and it's some pretty rocky and hard to navigate terrain. Since Ryan wants to leave so quickly, I'll have to guide you from here." Harris said

"Which means you'll be staying at Harper's, shocking." Spyder said sarcastically, "Just admit it, you like it here better."

"Okay, that's not true." Harris argued

"Salutations." A voice said

"Woah, what'd he call me?" Spyder asked, I facepalmed.

"Spyder, Auggie. Auggie, Spyder. Auggie is Harris' lab partner." I told him, "and salutations is a way to say hello."

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