Episode 8

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I was hanging out in the robot when Ryan, Harris and Spyder came in.

"Did you tell Mark?" I asked

"Wait, how do you know about it, we just found out!" Harris said.

"Wait. So Ryan didn't tell you guys about what happened when we found the adoption papers?" Spyder and Harris shook their heads.

"Wait... did you guys kiss?" Spyder asked. I gagged and shuddered

"That is disgusting. Of course not. Plus, I figured it wasn't my place to tell them." Ryan said

"You guys might wanna sit down for this one," I said. They sat down and I continued, "Ryan and I are twins." Harris fainted and Spyder's mouth dropped open. I slapped Harris across the cheek to wake him up.

"How, what, huh, why, what, wait, huh, ow." Harris said in a rush

"Now we need to figure out a way to break it to Mark. Ryan's scared Mark won't like him anymore. Frankly, I don't care, but it's Ryan's call." I said

"I'm not gonna tell Mark. So just CHILL!" Ryan yelled

"Ryan, Liz, if you guys need someone to talk to, talk to Harris, I'm kind of an idiot-" I cut him off

"I'm fine. I always knew I was adopted because my 'dad' told me. It's just kinda nerve-wracking knowing you have a twin after years of thinking you were an only child." I said. I'm not fine. I have a twin. Ryan is my twin. I like Ryan but I never felt a brother-sister connection between us. It also gives Spyder and Harris someone to compare me with. It's a lot to process at once. Spyder and Harris left. The lights flicked on and off and one of my hands caught on fire. I yelped and put it out.

"Let's just go to school." I told Ryan, "Hey, if I catch on fire or my powers act out, tell me."

*timeskip to school*

I was helping my dad with the Harper Grant.

"Hi Cassie." I said, "My dad and I wanted to talk to you about the Harper Grant Scholarship he's offering and I told him you would be glad to do it."

"There's no way I'm doing it." Cassie said

"I'll pay you $30." I said

"Make it $50 and you've got a deal." We shook hands and I gave her the money. The interview started

"I believe anyone can make a difference if they have an idea." My dad said

"Which is why we're offering the Harper Grant. The Harper Grant is a scholarship for those with bright minds. If you receive the scholarship, you will have full access to all the materials at Harp-" I was cut off. Spyder popped up from behind me and grabbed my shoulders, leaning over my left shoulder

"Is this where you guys are doing the interviews?" He asked.

"Almost anybody can change the world. Probably not that kid." My dad said

"I know right." Cassie said.

"Words are hurtful." Spyder said dejectedly. I gave him a hug.

"Sorry, Spyder. I know you need to talk to me so wait outside. We'll be done in a bit." I told him. I had promised to tutor Spyder in Algebra and English. He left, "Anyway where were we?"

"Are you dating him, because you can do so mu-" My dad started

"I'm not dating him. He's not dating me. We. Are. Not. Dating." I interrupted my dad, "Cassie, just skip to the student interviews." I said before leaving. I walked out.

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