Episode 6

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The robot started shaking in mid-air. Either Ryan was trying to control the robot or we were expendable and they wanted to get rid of the robot. Since the dude inside, who tied us up, looked confused, I'm assuming it was the first.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" The dude asked. Mark and I shrugged our shoulders. It was a silent ride to wherever we were going. I tried to escape but after the first 8 attempts I gave up. Mech X4 had crashed sideways. The dude placed a blindfold over my eyes and tied my hands and feet together. I kept struggling to escape.

"STOP MOVING" He yelled at Mark

"Stop breathing on me, your breath smells like milk and protein drink." Mark said.

"Mark, shut up. I don't feel like dying and I'm sure Ryan wouldn't appreciate it if I let you die. Plus what's the worst that old man can do to us?" I told him.

"THAT'S IT!" The man said slamming my head into metal and punching me in the nose. My head now hurt like hell and I could feel the blood trickling down my face. Probably a minor concussion.

"Did I give you a termination order?" A female voice cut in.

"No." The man said

"NO! Then back off Davage." The voice said. I breathed a sigh of relief and pain.

"It has a name?" Mark asked. I was then forced to sit back in a chair. Someone took my blindfold off and I saw Principal Grey in front of me.

"I fucking knew it. I predicted it at the skate park when you were talking to Ryan, I knew it was you!" I said victoriously

"And you didn't tell any of us?" Mark asked.

"Nobody asked." I said.

"Surprise." She said, "I thought there were only 4 kids in Mech X, but I guess there were 5." Principal Grey said'

"How did you find us?" Mark asked

"Isn't it obvious. When she shook Ryan's hand at the skate rink she must have put some sort of tracker into it and used it to find the robot. I thought I was being paranoid so I ignored it, but I guess I was right." I explained

"You're smarter than you look. Too bad I have to kill the both of you." She said. She then started talking to Mark and my headache started getting worse.

"Wait what do you mean gone?" Mark asked

"I hired someone to take out your brother and his little friends on their camping trip." Principal Grey said.

"But Liz made it out alive." Mark said

"Yes, well Liz is a special case. She has powers. She escaped, the others didn't." Grey said. I had two options here. Go along with Grey or tell Mark the truth. If I agree with Grey, then they won't be expecting Ryan, Harris and Spyder to come rescue us and will give them a better chance of making it.

"How do you know about my powers?" I asked defensively

"I have my sources." Grey said in a vague tone.

"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Mark was laughing pretty hard

"Why are you laughing?" Grey asked Mark

"Ryan, and Harris and Simon-"

"Spyder." I said cutting Mark off

"Whatever. Are way more dangerous than you think." Mark said

"How is Ryan dangerous?" Grey asked

"Oh you'll find out." I muttered


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