Episode 5

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"I hate this." Harris said

"It's camping, we love camping." Ryan exclaimed

"Well you guys love camping. I've had a haunted experience with camping and now severely dislike it" I said.

"Ryan, you love camping. Last time you convinced us we would find a treasure map-" Harris was cut off

"Or a mythical creature!" Spyder exclaimed

"Instead all we found was pneumonia." Harris finished

"That must have sucked. Don't worry Harris, it'll be fun. Besides what's the worst that can happen? We get sick? Yea, right." I said cheerfully. It's the annual freshman camping trip and I am super pumped. I can hardly wait. It's in the forest near Mech X4, so we'll be right by it in case of a monster attack. I tossed my bag into the trunk part of the bus. Spyder just finished talking about the 'bloody butcher' and Mark and Dane were teasing them. I ignored them.

"BOO!" I said right by their ears. They all jumped and screamed and I erupted in a fit of laughter, "c'mon, don't be so gullible." I said grinning. Then Principal Grey came to talk to us. I still don't trust her. We were headed onto the bus.

"You know this is the forest where the monster heart was. Y'know the haunted forest." Ryan said.

"You know what. I changed my mind. You guys have fun and I will meet you when you get back." I said before Spyder grabbed my arm and dragged me onto the bus. Ryan and Harris sat together with Spyder and me behind them. I just popped in my headphones and fell asleep. I woke up to Spyder shaking my shoulders.

"Okay, okay, I'm up." I muttered

"Can you at least pretend to be excited or frown or something, instead of that neutral, emotionless face is creeping me out." Ryan asked me.

"It takes 42 muscles to smile, 28 to frown and 4 to slap the wilderness in the face!" I stated, "why over-exert myself." I said before hopping off the bus.

The tour guide camp person started talking about the Bay City Butcher ghost and I tuned this out. Then he started asking us to put our phones away. I cursed under my breath and placed my phone in the bucket.

"headphones too." He said

"Why? They're basically useless without a phone." I said and the ranger moved on. He started talking about the butcher again and I rolled my eyes. The guys went to go retrieve their phones and I headed to one of the cabins.

"Julia, right?" I asked my bunkmate. She nodded and two other girls came in.
"Hi. I'm Elizabeth. You guys can call me Liz or Lizzy." I introduced myself.

"Lily." One of them said. She had jet black hair and wide green eyes

"Amy." Another girl said. This girl had fiery red hair and green eyes

"And I'm Julia." Julia said, She had blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Aren't you the girl that always hangs out with Spyder, Ryan and Harris?" Lily asked

"Yea, why?" I asked

"It's just, well. You're smart, pretty and have a good attitude, yet every girl in school hasn't talked to you or befriended you." Lily said. The other two nodded.

"Well, quick facts. I like reading. My favourite book series is Percy Jackson but I also really like Harry Potter and read a lot of Young Adult Novels. I can fight, I like food, my favourite subject is science with English and Math tied for a close second and I'm adopted and live with my dad. Any questions?" I asked

"You're adopted?" Julia asked. I nodded and smiled

"Have you read the Maze Runner?" Amy asked.

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