The void (Angst)

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Hahah this was written at 3 AM and it is literally all self loathing.

I'm so sorry.

~3rd POV~

"You need to calm down before you do something you regret."

The void was filled with nothing. The red clad man could see on for miles and miles and could tell pretty clearly it was just him. Or maybe the distance he could see was an illusion, an infinity room with no exit. He couldn't tell for sure. He could float on for hours and still be in the same place.

"You're the reason everything is wrong!"

The void had no gravity;No central point where he could feel grounded. He could fall on his back and still feel as if he was standing upright. He could spin completely upside down and be utterly unaware that anything had happened at all. No blood rush to the head, no nothing. No up, no down, no left, right, front, or back. 

"We don't need to draw swords here-"

The void was silent. Absolutely silent. And dark...bright? There was no telling. His voice crawled away from him and died in the silence at the slightest whisper, never coming back and never echoing. The only thing that occupied the silence was his own blood rushing and his heartbeat oddly loud in his ears.

"You're the reason they all hate me!"

Time crawled by, past the red in his boots and avoided the signal in his visored helmet just barley. With nothing to do, his breaths became obvious and planned, timed to a rhythm of all his suit systems going offline one after the other.  He knew it was wrong, he knew he was sent here to suffer and think about his actions, but he couldn't help but find peace in the nothingness at first.

Then the nothingness got to him. 

At first, all he did was sleep, simply because there was nothing else to do. No point in existence. No end. No foreseen future. He slept his troubles away until sleep became boring. He figured it wouldn't be a long wait until his brother realized his mistake and brought him back.

"I can't help you if you keep being aggressive." 

Then came the talking. He talked to himself, meaningless phrases and noises just to remind himself he still had the option. He talked to his brother, who he knew would never hear him. Begged for forgiveness, for something, for anything to happen.

When talking got no answer, he screamed. If he screamed loud enough, someone would hear him, right? Someone would unban him. Maybe even his brother. But still nothing happened. Nothing happened until his screams began screaming back at him, deafening his ears and making them ring until he got used to it and it faded back into familiar silence.

"I hate you!"

He ripped his helmet off his head and kicked it away from him as far as it would go. But it wasn't enough. He could still see it, still see that helmet that looked so much like his brothers. His entire suit, minus the color. He screamed and cursed every profanity in his head until his vocal chords gave out and his voice became raw, he blamed his brother for putting him here, cursing him to an existence of nothing, then refused to make a sound.

Though he was unaware of the passing of time, he knew it marched on. Just out of his reach. Barley out of his grasp. He wanted it. More than anything. He yearned for the sun on his pale skin after so long, for the feel of the cool breeze against his cheeks. He even wanted other people, though he wouldn't admit that even to himself.

"I can't trust you here if you keep having these outbursts. I don't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."

He wanted to retract his snarkiness from earlier, wanted to apologise for his actions, but he had no choice but to live with them. He began to get sucked into his own head, cringing at every hateful word he spit at his brother's yellow boots. Those final words and actions before the ban, he was disgusted with himself.

"I wish you were dead!"

Every so often, tears escaped from his eyes. All they did was stick to his face, with nowhere to go. He could feel the vibrations as cries left his throat, he knew they were loud. But the silence sliced through them.

He didn't hate Xisuma.

He hated himself.


[~760 words]

I am completely open to constructive criticism uwu

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