Singles will be paired (Fluff)

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This shot is some Gridoc fluff requested by @GalaxyPrincessK

This is the second shot this week related to someone being nervous to ride something and I swear it's by pure coincidence.

Also you wouldnt believe how much research I had to do just to make sure this coaster wouldn't actually kill them ._.

-Grian is a lil nervous to ride this coaster

Wordcount: [~1.1k]

~3rd POV~

The air hung down heavily on Doc's back as he, Keralis, and Bdubs made their way around the amusement park. Today didn't seem like a bad day to head out and ride roller coasters until everyone got sick. Everyone was on board until they realized how much walking under the sun would be involved.

"If we don't pass another mist shower soon, I'm gonna pass out." Bdubs stated, rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt. 

"That's what you get for not bringing your water," Doc laughed, making a big show of taking a sip from his plastic water bottle. If he was honest, he was dying too. But nothing about that would ever be said to Bdubs. Either way he earned a glare from the smaller man.

"Bubbles," Keralis laughed a tiny bit, gesturing wildly towards a giant set of tracks far up in the sky above them. Screams echoed overhead as the riders plummeted off a steep hill. "You were the one set on riding this ride, if you didn't want to walk halfway across the park, you should have thought of that!"

"I didn't realize it was this far!" Bdubs protested. "Besides, this one looks so fast and I want to ride it!"

The trio made their way towards the queue for the ride, getting in line behind another group of three. More people filed in behind them.

"There are no mist fans," Bdubs observed.

"Hey, you guys," Doc nudged the other two, leaning over the metal bar to point at a sign, and then immediately taking his hands off because of the sudden heat. "Look at that, 'Singles will be paired'."

"Singles? Will one of us have to ride with a stranger?" Keralis asked, casting a glance towards his friends.

"Yeah, that is how odd numbers work. So who's the sacrifice?"

Keralis laughed at Bdubs' answer, swinging an arm around his slender shoulders and winking before putting a finger up to his nose. "One, two, three, not it!"

Bdubs was much quicker to catch on than Doc, leaving himself last with his finger to his nose. "Hey! That was hardly fair!"

"No takesies backsies!" Keralis laughed. "Bubbles will ride with me and you can be paired with someone else!"

Doc put forth no objection, as the line was short and it was almost their turn to board. He watched as the ride screeched to a stop on the tracks and the carts were pulled forward, their passengers immediately starting to talk as they unboarded. All of the carts had bright orange and red fire-ish textures painted on them and black seats.

The group in front of the line boarded on first, with assistance from the operator. A man in a formal black suit and a mustache (which made Doc question how he wasn't dead from the heat) boarded with a browned haired man in a green shirt. Bdubs and Keralis were next, then Doc, the single to be paired.

Doc sat down on the hot black leather, hissing as it made contact with his bare skin. "Oh god," he mumbled, pulling his harness over his shoulders and getting situated.

The passenger next to him laughed, fumbling with his seatbelt. "Yeah it is really hot, just don't let the metal touch you. I learned that the hard way." 

The man's voice was accented pleasantly, with a hint of a nervous tone ever increasing. His head was mopped with dirty blonde hair and a large red sweater hung off his skinny frame. Doc let a laugh past his lips as he watched the operator board everyone on behind them until the ride was at full capacity. Then they came around and checked the seatbelts.

Doc couldn't help but take notice as the other newly paired single began bouncing his knee.

"Nervous rider?" he asked, offering a patient smile.

"Yeah, a little bit. I've never rode any of the actual roller coasters before."

With that, the screech of metal sounded as the wheels on the carts rolled, pulling the ride forward. It was slow, with the first hill being a gradual ascent upwards. 

"This first hill is pretty tall and slow, but after that, the rest is really fast."

"Is the tall and slow part supposed to be reassuring? Or the fast part?" The dirty blonde slowly took in a shaky breath, averting his eyes from the ground which was getting further away by the second. 

Doc watched the ground below for a moment before looking back at his ride buddy. While he himself wasn't visibly nervous, the long climb towards the drop made him more and more impatient as more and more seconds passed.

"Do you want to hold my hand?"


Doc offered his robotic hand out with a smile. "You don't have to, just figured I would ask."

The stranger hesitated for a moment, before taking Doc's hand in his. He took a deep breath as the cart finally rested on the top of the hill, pausing for a brief second.

Doc put his left hand up, just in time for the drop. The stranger next to him squeezed his hand for dear life, practically wrapping his other arm around their carts metal rail as a loud shriek escaped his lungs.

After the drop, the carts were flattened out, following as the track twisted to the left. The stranger was knocked over onto Doc's side before they were flung through a loop. Doc could have sworn he heard his ride buddy say something between the screams, but whatever it was became practically muted by the wind. 

Before long, the ride clambered to a stop back where it had started. Doc laughed as he looked back over at his ride buddy.

"You okay? You can let go of my hand now."

As the harness lifted off his shoulders, he shook his head, slowly uncurling his fingers and letting go of Doc. "Thank you,"

The operator came around and unlocked everyone's seatbelts. Doc unboarded before turning and helping his ride buddy, who stood on shaky legs. A chorus of gratitude left his lips as Doc laughed, moving him off the platform.

"It was nothing, not everyone is a confident rider. I'm Doc by the way."

"I'm Grian," the man spoke, leaning against some railing. "Could I buy you food or something for helping me out?"


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