Carnival rides (Fluff)

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This is just some Beef x Etho fluff as requested by Shiro_Night :)

-Beef is a nervous rider and can't say no to Etho

Let me know if I missed anything and I will add it immediately!

Wordcount [~1.3k]

~3rd POV~

The carnival always scared Beef for some reason. It was probably the idea of rides that fling you around appearing practically overnight. Who knows how dangerous something like a machine that spins you around high up off the ground could be? Especially if it's a temporary ride.

The ferris wheel scared him the most. It didn't spin fast, or give off the same element of fear as the others did, but Beef didn't like it's ever looming presence over the carnival. He didn't like how tall it was. He would actually rather die than get stuck up at the top.

Despite his increasingly apparent fear, Beef let himself be dragged to the carnival in town. Partly by his friends Doc, Bdubs, and Etho. Partly because of the constant and heavy scent of popcorn and other various snacks he would probably say he was too poor for, but still buy anyway.

"Do you guys want to go see the parade?" Bdubs asked the group through a mouth of fluffy pink cotton candy. "Or should we play some games first? I don't really want to ride anything."

Beef noticed Etho's mismatched eyes light up at the mention of rides. "I want to ride a spinny one!"

"We can't ride anything without tickets," Doc partly answered. "Plus I don't want to ride anything either, really."

"Aw come on you guys are no fun," Etho sighed. "What do you guys say we split up?" The white haired man turned to face Beef with his entire body, a mischievous grin apparent even from under his mask. "I'll take Beef and we can ride stuff together. Doc, you take Bdubs and go be wussies somewhere else to play games?"

"Hey-" Beef started "I don't remember saying I wanted to ride anything either, Etho!"

To be completely honest, Beef did not want to ride anything at all. He wanted to stay perfectly safe on the ground where he couldn't risk falling off of something or having himself flung halfway across the fairgrounds.

But, one look into Etho's pleading eyes made him practically melt in his place like a popsicle left in the sun.

Beef really liked Etho, he just couldn't say no.

"If you don't want to ride anything you can come be wussies with me and Doc! We'll win prizes and not puke up our dinner in the process!" Bdubs gave a slight glare to Etho, a somewhat forced sounding laugh escaping his lips. Doc rolled his eyes slightly.

"I'll go with Etho, just to make sure he doesn't get himself hurt." The response was half thought through, though Beef was certain he was the one who would end up hurt. Not Etho.

"Aw, my hero," Etho cooed, lacing his fingers with Beefs half mindedly. "Let's go find something to ride after we get some tickets!"

"Meet back up here in an hour or so?"

Docs question was met with nods from both parties before the four split into their groups.


"Beef, we're rich in tickets." Etho announced, waltzing his way back from the vendor. "What do you want to ride first? I want to ride that!" The sign that Etho had to point up slightly, Beef did not like. Either way he followed the direction of where Etho was gesturing.

It was one of those rides that looked like a giant octopus that lifted its arms up and far off the ground, turning and spinning all the passengers around. Beef knew he wasn't ready, he felt sick just looking at it.

"Uhm- how about we get all these...easy...ones out of that way? What about the teacups?"

With a snicker, Etho turned to look at the teacups. It didn't go off the ground, but hey, it was still a spinning ride. "Okay, but I get to pick the next one!"

Beef could not handle the teacups ride as well as he thought he could.

Or anything after that.

He lost count how many rides Etho dragged him on. Three or four? Yet there was still many more to go with the hour they had before meeting back up with Doc and Bdubs. Beef honestly didn't think he could do it. How was Etho not making himself sick at this point? 

Despite almost crying out of fear on every ride, Beef just couldn't bring himself to tell Etho to ride something on his own. He couldn't find the words to express how he didn't want to do this anymore.

"Can we- could we maybe take a break? I could buy us some funnel cake or something?" Beef didn't actually think he could stomach food at this point. But anything to distract Etho from the rides.

"Well at this point we only have time for one more ride, it's been about an hour, yeah?"

Oh god please no more rides-

"Yeah I guess, what were you thinking?" 

Etho let a sly smile plaster itself across his features, reverting to a simple point. "How about the ferris wheel?" 

Are you serious??

Forcing a smile, Beef nodded. "Ferris wheel sounds great!"


I hate this. I hate this ride. I want to go home.

The passenger cart shifted under Beefs weight as he boarded after Etho. The white haired man offered a patient smile and secured the bar over both their laps as they started going up.

They went up, the ground becoming further and further away. Beef could feel his palms sweat. He glanced over towards Etho, who was admiring the view.

Oh god, we're gonna fall. We're gonna fall and go splat on the asphalt. 

"Hey," Etho broke the stressful silence with a smile, turning to face Beef. "You didn't have to do that, you know."

"I- what?"

"Oh come on, don't play dumb. You're obviously a nervous rider. Why'd you keep riding with me? You know you can say no if it gets too much, right?"

"I can't say no to you because-"

Beef couldn't find the words. Why couldn't he say no? Why would he willingly face his fear just for Etho? He had a general reason swimming around in his head, but he just couldn't place it to one thing. Why couldn't he find the words?

I can't say no because I wanted to see you happy. 

I can't say no because I don't want to disappoint you.

I can't say no because I want to protect you.

I can't say no because- because-

"I think I love you."

Etho's eyes widened, having not expected this answer. Beef wanted to take it back as soon as he himself processed the words. 

"No wait-"

"-It's okay," Etho leaned in close, gently placing his hand over Beef's. "I think I love you too. May I?"

The seconds were agonizing, but as soon as Beef nodded his approval, his lips were connected with Etho's in a calm and gentle manner. The kiss tasted sweet and didn't last long enough before Etho pulled away.

Everything just seemed...different now.

The two had begun their descent from the top of the wheel. Instead of feeling the shaking fear he had before, Beef took the time to admire the view. The carnival below was alive with colors and sounds he just hadn't seen before.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Etho asked, catching Beef's gaze downwards.

Beef met Etho's eyes and squeezed his hand tight. "You're beautiful."


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