Blue Stains (Angst)

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Angst as requested by @DepressoExpresso687 featuring Griskall! I apologise if this is too heavy on the YHS aspect ;-;

This might be the most explicit shot I've written so far, in terms of warnings.

-Trauma induced flashback (Explicit)
-Blood (Inexplicit)
-Stabbing (Mentioned, not shown)

Make sure to let me know if I missed absolutely anything and I will add it immediately!

TL;DR Grian has a trauma flashback to Yandere High and Iskall calms him down.

Wordcount: [~1.1k]

~3rd POV~

Grian scrubbed his hands practically raw, the dye staining and still not coming off. He didn't realize he would have to go through so much trouble just for a challenge, but he did blame himself for not removing the iconic red article of clothing from his frame before recoloring. The Hermit simply laughed to himself through a fake grumble. Despite how much he had complained about the feathery challenge bringers, speakers of the charrot, he actually found the challenges they held rather fun. He couldn't wait for Iskall and Mumbo to see he had completed all of them. Maybe Iskall would even be proud. He could already hear the Swede's laugh in the back of his head.

Blue staining more of himself than when he started, Grian disregarded the temporary basin of water adding to the things blocking up the entrance to his mansion. It was messy, unfinished, grindy, but he was proud. Fondly, the dirty blonde found himself gazing up at the yet to expand wall of maps, reminders of what was and what more there would be to come.

What was…

He shook that thought away as fast as he could. He didn't intend to think about anything that came before him being a Hermit, but recently reminders had become more abundant. Pleasant normal things to most, tainted forever with dark memories and bad experiences. Like that time Stress had worn a cute rabbit hat with long ears last winter. She promised to never wear it again if it meant a reminder of what was. Grian still felt slightly sorry she couldn't enjoy a simple thing just because of him.

Still, those wouldn't ruin today. Today was about challenges and fun. Grian flew down the stairs of his villager pit, hands outstretched, ready to nab the next chicken. Fleeting white made him act, before the creature could run away into the background scenes of the hall. It's only argument was a harsh cluck for being grabbed at. He reached for the smooth gold tag around its neck, small engraved letters spelling out his neck challenge.

Do a stupid dance in the mirror.

Is that all? Grian thought to himself, laughing slightly. He tied the chicken up thoughtfully to a rope, dragging it along with him as he traveled towards the near entrance of the hall where he had put full mirrors up on the walls for decoration. His reflection appeared in the smooth glass, brilliant smile, ready to dance. But the smile faltered. Blue stained not only his hands, but then his vision.


Panic spread fast, taking Grian's features first, then the rest of his body. His breaths stuttered, gasping for air but it never seemed to come. Grian's hands trailed down, scratching at the material of his sweater, feeling the genuine pain of the knife slashing at his skin all those years ago.

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