Jealousy (Angst)

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Jealous Cub is what fuels me. I have to share.


-Kinda extreme jealously

If I missed anything let me know and I will add it immediately!

Wordcount [~1060k]

~3rd POV~

Cub listened to Scar giggle and fake scream as they rode on the monorail together for what had to be the 9th time. He didn't understand why Scar liked it so much, it was just a straight line from one end of the Scarab pit to the other. Cub appreciated his friend's enthusiasm nevertheless. This was really the first time they had gotten to hang out since last season, Cub really missed seeing Scar everyday.

"Okay, okay," Scar laughed and waited for the whines and screams of the mechanical system to slow down and stop so his voice could be heard. "For real, that was the last time. Wanna show me anything else?"

Cub couldn't help but smile as his friend's green eyes met his own. "Well I have this game we can play called Bullseye. You also haven't seen Xibalba yet."

Scars eyes lit up as he grabbed Cub's hand and practically began dragging him towards the pyramid center. His pace only faltered when his communicator beeped from his pocket, alerting the pair of a message. Scar silenced himself for a moment, taking it out and scanning the message. His green eyes reading and then rereading a second time intently.

"Is something the matter?"

With a minute shake of his head, Scar smiled to himself and looked back up at his friend. "No, Grian just needs my help with something back in the jungle. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, no. I don't mind at all! Go take care of what you need to," Cub wrapped an arm around Scar, pointing him towards the big, redstone door in the pyramid. "I don't mind."

"Well, thanks for the sorta tour anyway. We gotta do something again soon!"

Goodbye didn't last long enough. Scar nodded a quick one before taking his rockets out, jetting out of the pyramid and away without another word. Cub watched him silently, repeating the words in his head.

It's fine. It's okay. I don't mind.

The words came like clockwork, repeating over and over. Cub couldn't stop it. He didn't actually mind. So why were his hands balling up into fists? Why was there a feeling bubbling up in the back of his throat? What was it? 

Okay, maybe Cub was a bit bothered. It just seemed that Scar liked hanging out with Grian a lot more this season. But that didn't mean anything. Scar was still his friend. He's also allowed to have other friends.

Why was he feeling like this?

Cub decided to ignore it and get to work instead.


Cub was running around the shopping district. Restocking, buying, admiring new builds. He was humming a tune to himself, invested in the thoughts of maybe an expansion, when a faint laugh caught his ears.

He couldn't see, but Cub knew that laugh. It was Scar, over in the direction of the Barge.

What is he laughing at? 

Cub couldn't help but drop what he was doing and slowly get closer. He looked in through the windows of the boat house thing, only seeing a certain Cod-Boy Hermit and no Wizard.

I thought I heard him.

Just as Cub began to walk away, Grian turned around, spying the Pharaoh through the glass, jumping a bit.

"Oh, hey Cub! Didn't see you there. Come to buy something?"

"Uh," Cub spat out, words suddenly getting clogged in the back of his throat. "No, I thought I heard Scar."

"Scar? He's still back at his base. It's just me here. I think he's working on a project or something."

So now you're suddenly an expert in the field of where Scar is and what he's doing?

"Sorry," Cub quickly stated, launching himself away and into the air as fast as possible. He didn't know why, but hearing Grian talk about Scar just wanted to make him vomit. Who gave him the right to say Scar's name like that? Who gave him the right to speak Scar's name at all?


Cub landed himself in the brush of the green jungle, far enough away from the magical village so he didn't alert the Wizard of his presence. He wanted to surprise Scar and possibly hang out.

Slowly, he creeped over the foliage, being careful not to snap any twigs under his feet. Cub moved one last leaf out of his way, peering into the clearing ahead and seeing Scar leaning out of Larry the Snail's doorless frame. 

What is he looking at?

Red caught his eye. Cub watched as Grian chased Jellie around the area, leaning down slightly and trying not to lose his footing.

"Jellie, stop! Come back!"

Cub rolled his eyes at first, intending to go on with his plan.

Then he heard a laugh escape from the Wizards lips. He froze in his place.

Why does Scar never have time for me, but always talks about Grian?

Cub watched the scene in front of him, that bubbling feeling from Scar's last visit returning to his throat.

What does Grian have that I don't? Am I not good enough to be worth his attention? 

Everything clicked. Cub was jealous of Grian. Cub wanted to be the one making Scar laugh. Cub wanted to be the one close to Scar, he wanted for them to build together and have bases close together like this.

Why would Grian take Scar away from me? 

Cub buried himself back underneath the canopy of the lush green jungle. He sped away on foot, abandoning his rockets somewhere along the way.

At first the realization was calm. Peaceful, actually. Something about it opened Cubs eyes.

But the calm waves quickly picked up, rippling slowly, then turning into a tsunami faster by the second. 

Grian took Scar away from me.

Cub couldn't help but let a scream escape his lips. He hated that thought. He hated that thought so much. Grian didn't do anything.

Scar is allowed to have other friends.

Despite his reassurances, Cub stopped in his tracks, fist colliding with the first innocent tree he looked at. The tree stood, unphased, but Cub curled his hand towards his chest, nursing the pain like a baby.

He fueled the jealous feeling in his gut and trudged forward.


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