It's important ❤️

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Okay so,

I don't know what is happening right now, I'm so numb.

I can't believe Sushant Singh Rajput, is no more 💔

It's all a haze, he was one of the finest actors bollywood has witnessed....

So now, as i always have, I'm gonna put it out again.

Please please please if you are suffering, please talk.

I'm always here for you all, always, no matter what.

Tell your friends, family, me anyone who you want to,

Even if I don't know you, trust me , my dms are always open, I'm always there if you wanna talk. It's a safe space, no judgements no nothing,

My fellow writer friends, have received hate a lot of times, me too, and i was there for them. I don't wanna see any of my readers or, writers sad.

Please open up to people if you're suffering, trust me it help

And I'm saying this again, my dms are always open for everyone. ALWAYS.

And ik you all are waiting for an update, but Someone in my family was diagnosed corona positive, so it was allllll a chaos. (Extended family not immediate) But I'm really sorryyyy.... I'll update soon.

"you're strong,
You're beautiful,
You're resilient,
You're loved,
You're capable,
You're not weak,
You're not detected,
You're not weird,
You're not a lost cause,
You're not different..."

Sidnaaz: Meant to be 💫 [CLOSED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें