Chapter 1: Summer

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Author's Note:
Hello everyone! This is my first chapter of my third book in my STRQ trilogy! I was originally going to stick with just two books in the series, but I had a strong feeling that their story wasn't over just yet. Also, I didn't really know how to start this first chapter off, so I kinda just winged it. I hope you all enjoy! Please vote if you do and leave a comment letting me know what you thought about this first part! It would be greatly appreciated! And if you haven't already, please read my first book, "STRQ (A RWBY Fanfiction)", and its sequel "Truth, Lies, and Silver Eyes". As always, thank you all for your amazing support!

I stood at the cliff, staring down at my gravestone. It was a simple design, but beautifully well done. I didn't want to have it removed, since it reminded me of why I had made my past choices. It had been several months since I returned to Patch. My hair had gone to its original black to red color and it had grown out a few inches past my shoulders. I had removed my colored contacts a while ago. I was done hiding from Salem. Just because she couldn't be killed, didn't mean that she couldn't be stopped. And I did plan on stopping her somehow.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air to calm my nerves. It was mid autumn, when the leaves were changed into the vivid reds, yellows, and shades of orange. I had done a bit of thinking while resting at Tai's. And I had an idea in mind, but I wanted to talk it out with Qrow and Tai first. I turned around to walk back to the house, when I noticed Qrow standing a few feet away. I stepped back a bit, startled to see him here this early. Qrow had been visiting the house more often ever since I got back. He helped take care of Yang and Ruby whenever Tai and I were a bit too busy.

"Hey," Qrow said, smiling.

I smiled back.
"Hi, Qrow. You're sure up early today."

He ran his fingers through his dark hair.
"Well, I noticed that you weren't in the house this morning and decided to see where you were. What are you doing here by the cliff?"

"Well, I've been doing some thinking. And I believe I have our next move decided. But I'd like to talk it over with you and Tai first. Can we have a meeting back at the house?" I asked.

Qrow nodded. "Of course. Tai's been up for a while. I'll walk you back."

I smiled at him as we walked back to the house together. We could hear Yang in the living room playing with her toys as soon as we walked inside.

Tai walked into the living room from the kitchen once he noticed Qrow and I had returned.
"I was wondering where you two had gone off to. I'm making some breakfast if you guys wanted some," he said.

I could smell the eggs and bacon from the kitchen. It made my stomach growl.

"I'll take some," I told him.

Qrow nodded. "Me too."

Tai grinned. "Coming right up."

Tai disappeared back into the kitchen and Qrow and I sat on the couch and looked after Yang for a bit. After some time had passed, I leaned over towards Qrow and whispered, "Is Ruby in her nursery?"

Qrow gazed over to me and nodded. I quietly excused myself and walked upstairs to the nursery. Ruby was laying in her crib, staring at the ceiling. I walked up to the crib and scooped her up gently. I couldn't believe she would be a year old in a few months. Time really did seem to fly by... I felt a bit guilty that I had missed a part of both hers and Yang's life.

My feelings of guilt seemed to melt away as soon as I saw my daughter's beautiful shining eyes and bright smile. I made a personal vow never to leave her side again. I kissed her forehead gently and held her close to my chest.

"I love you my beautiful girl," I whispered to her.

This moment seemed to last ages... until I heard a soft knock on the door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Summer," Qrow said, "but breakfast is ready."

I opened my eyes and looked over towards him.

"I'll be right down," I replied.

He nodded and walked out of the room.

I held Ruby a little while longer before laying her back down gently into her crib.

"Mommy will see you soon, okay?" I whispered in her ear.

I kissed her cheek softly before slowly walking out of the room and shutting the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen where I saw that the table had already been set up. Qrow was already sitting at the table, and Tai was finishing up a few eggs.
There was an empty plate next to where Qrow was sitting and I sat down quietly. Qrow looked at me and smiled.

"Having a nice morning?" he asked.

I did my best to smile.
"I suppose so. I'm looking forward to this breakfast."

Qrow chuckled. "Me too. Tai is a great cook."

I could hear Tai laugh as he brought a plate of eggs, some strips of bacon, and some hash browns to the table.

"Feel free to help yourselves," he said, smiling.

We all took our own portion of food and ate at the table together. Breakfast seemed to go by quickly, and I offered to help Tai clean up.

"So," Tai said, while he was cleaning a plate in the sink, "what did you want to talk to me and Qrow about?"

I sighed as I rinsed the plate clean under hot water.
"I'd rather wait until these chores are done."

Tai shrugged and continued to wash the dishes with no further comments. After the dishes were done, I sent Yang upstairs for her usual morning nap and had Qrow and Tai sit on the couch in the living room.

"I'm sure you both are wondering why I've waited to speak with you both until now," I told them. "To be honest, I was waiting for the right time to tell you about my next plan, but finding the perfect time is difficult... so I suppose I have no choice but to do it now. And to be honest, I don't think we have any better options."

Both Qrow and Tai leaned forward, looking intrigued.

"What's the plan, Summer?" Qrow asked.

I took a deep breath before saying, "I think we should go to Vacuo and speak with Headmaster Theodore."

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