Chapter 4

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"Stop lying around and help me!" Taeil yelled. We were at his house. He called me to help him for his date with Johnny.

I stood up and walked to his drawer. I picked a white t-shirt and a peach colored hoodie then handed it to him. 'You'll look cute in this hoodie. Johnny hyung will totally fall for you!'

He blushed lightly and thanked me before going to the bathroom to get changed. I sat on the edge of his bed then felt my phone vibrate on my pocket.

I pulled it out. It was a text from Lucas.

/OPEN: Tall Lucas/

Tall Lucas
Where are you?

At Taeil hyung's house

Tall Lucas
I was gonna ask if you want to hang out
Too lazy to do homework

Meet me at Summer Cafe near Seoul mall then we can hang out

Tall Lucas
Ok ok

See you there

/CLOSE: Tall Lucas/

I smiled and played games. After 10 minutes, Taeil bursted out of the bathroom with light make up.

I chuckled. 'What's with the make up?' I asked. It was new to me for him wearing make up. I didn't even saw him with it until now.

"I want to wear it. By the way, where are you going after you drop me off at the cafe?" Taeil asked. I signed to him Lucas and I will hang out at the mall.

He nod. "Let's go. Johnny texted me he's on his way."

We walked down to the living room to get our things before walking out the house. Since the mall is near by, we decided to walk and talked for a bit.

"I saw Lucas staring at you yesterday when those two idiots were chasing each other." Taeil said when we cross the road. I eyed him but he just shrugged and faced in front.


We reached the cafe and I immediately saw Johnny seating near the counter. He was wearing an orange hoodie similar to Taeil and a pair of jeans.

Good thing Taeil hyung wear the hoodie I picked. Now they both wearing one but different color. I thought and smiled to myself.

Taeil stopped at the door. "Here goes nothing. Talk to you later Woo!" He entered inside and I mouthed 'Fighting!'. I watched them for a while before going to the mall.

"Jungwoo!" I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Seungwan waving while running towards me, with her other friends behind her.

I smiled and waved. She hugged me then the others reached to where we were standing.

"Wendy, you're suffocating him." Sooyoung told her.

She let go and I catched my breath. "What are you doing here?" Yerim asked.

I signed to them Taeil had a date with Johnny and accompanied him to go to the cafe. They were pretty shocked and asked me where they are.

"We're gonna spy on them of course. That's what girls do." Joohyun said. I forgot these girls like to spy on people's dates.

'Isn't that a bit risky?' I signed. If Taeil found out they were being watched...

Yerim smiled a little. "Not unless you got caught."

"Anyways, we'll go now. I see Lucas is waiting for you." Seulgi pointed at something behind me. The girls giggled.

I was confused by what she meant Lucas is here so I turned around and saw him standing there like a stone statue with a smile. How long he have been waiting there?

"Bye Jungwoo! We'll tell you the details later." They said their goodbyes, each one of them hugged me. It was awkward for me to hug girls, but hugging them felt comfortable.

I walked to where Lucas was standing. He waved as I jogged towards him. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans with a red flannel tied around his waist.

I stood in front of him as I reached him and took my phone out to tell him something then handed it to Lucas.

'You look like a rockstar with that outfit.'

He chuckled and handed my phone back. I tucked it back on my pocket then we started walking to the mall.

We stopped at a milkshake shop after going around and only asked me 'yes or no' questions because that's all I can do to communicate with him, either I nod or shook my head.

Then he asked me something that caught myself thinking deeply.

"Have you had a crush on someone?"

I started to stare at my strawberry milkshake on my hand. I haven't thought about it since I was busy with my studies and only care for my friends so I don't have time to find a love life, and no one really likes me anyway.

I shook my head, telling him no. I wanted to speak up but...

"Hey, it's okay. Don't think about it too much. I'm sorry I asked." He gently rubbed my back and I feel at ease. "Let's go the arcade. We can play some games."

After drinking the rest of our drinks, we left the shop and headed to the arcade, which were full of teenagers and adults who probably watching over their kids.

We play Just Dance, Zombie Shooting, and more until we got tired. We got out of the arcade and sat on the nearest bench.

"I'm hungry again." Lucas rubbes his stomach. I hit his shoulder lightly.

Again, I pulled my phone out to type the words I want to tell him.

'You're always hungry. How do you feel about donuts?' He read what was typed and nodded like a child. I swear he's a kid sometimes.

We went to a shop then I saw Taeil and Johnny walking towards us. I waved to get their attention and Taeil noticed. He waved back.

"Woo!" He ran and he tackled me again like the last time. "I'll tell you later when we get home." He whispered, still hugging me.

We talked for a while until Taeil dragged his date at some stall. I think he purposely did it because I told him we were hanging out and he suddenly said they had to go.

I also heard him say 'come on, they're on a date' or something like that.

After we ate, we just went window shopping and got messages from Taeil and the girls.

The Moon
Hey, let's go home. Johnny sa...

Revel Fruits
Watermelon: Jungwoo! Where ar...

I decided to tell Lucas I have to go home.

"Aww. Ok then, do I need to escort you home?" He smiled. He was really- I said don't fall for him.

I shook my head. He nod and said our goodbyes before texting Taeil.

/OPEN: The Moon/

The Moon
Hey, let's go home. Johnny said he was going somewhere so we called it a day

The Kim
Ok ok
We can meet at the cafe where you and Johnny hyung stayed

After sending him that, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and walk out of the mall.

Today was really a great day.

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